wiring money

donald bathe

Jun 19, 2016
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is it possible to wire millions of dollars from an offshore bank account to a regular bank accounts in the united states or not? im only asking because when i read online about hackers stealing millions of dollars from banks in the first world like this guy, Hamza Bendelladj could face up to 60 years in US jail always seem to steal the money from rich developed countries but yet the money winds up like in third world countries for some reason. if someone has millions in an offshore bank account would they have an easier time transferring the money to a third world country over the first world countries or it wouldnt make a difference at all??????????? can an offshore banking expert please tell me. thank you.
I'm not 100% sure. But as i know, it is very difficult to take out money from third world countries . Though they are developing countries, the usually have easy law to invest but strict law to take out that money. You can only take out a certain percentage of your earning.
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You no need to become worry if your bank have good security instruments as reputed bank always put emphasis on its security. So, do business with well known and reputed bank & relax
I think as long as the money is clean and free from any illegal activities, it will be possible. Clearance is another issue because of the amount of money and I think the better option is to transfer the money part by part.
then how do you think that hackers who steal in the millions from banks in the rich developed first world nations store and withdraw their money then like the algerian hacker or someone who can steal even way more money if you dont mind me asking? rsvp. thank you.
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What you are talking about, mate?? I said, you can only transfer a certain percentage of your money. Third world country will not allow to take out all of you money.
million of $$ or EURO are impossible to transfer to or from an offshore account if you don't have noticed the bank first about the amounts you are going to transfer. It will rise a big RED FLAG once you do!
OP.. I have fun reading your question. No one will ever go and wire million of dollars, Euro or whatever currency the account is hold in, without to inform the bank first!
How criminals can run away and do such a transfer I don't know but I think they are doing it in small portions over time and not in 1 transfers that would be suspicious as hell.
million of $$ or EURO are impossible to transfer to or from an offshore account if you don't have noticed the bank first about the amounts you are going to transfer. It will rise a big RED FLAG once you do!
then how do you think that the algerian hacker might have moved around so much money like close to 100 million dollars? rsvp
I don't know how they did it but the bank where they did it must have been stupid, not audited and the management is hopefully fired. No bank onshore or offshore bank should ever have allowed transactions in that size to be made without additional controls and checks!
From the cases I read about in the news I see that such money scams have been done over time and they did it (As fxmaster already said) in small transfers at a time. I don't believe that it's possible in any bank of today to make large transactions in millions without any alert showing up on the managers screen!
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