Why were responses deleted from Downtime Announcement by admins?


Network Samurai
Mentor Group Lifetime
Feb 13, 2024
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update: admins explained below. case closed.

Hey everyone

I thought this was something interesting I noticed and it probably is good for admins to let us know why @JohnLocke it happened.

There was a 12 hour-ish downtime of OCT and this was the topic used by admins to announce it OffshoreCorpTalk Downtime 12 hours exact.

Seemed pretty standard.

As much as I remember members like @jafo @JohnnyDoe @0xDEADBEEF commented from making jokes about a seized banner to giving technical advice etc., myself included. I would usually not have noticed (as I misclicked that is how I discovered) nor really cared but I did find it extremely weird since the responses had useful and valid points. Much more as I had advised members to use PGP encryption in their PMs (and demand it from counterparties) to not be allowed to be snooped even by admins.

To reiterate since it was deleted. Use PGP and demand it from counterparties - Tails - Encrypting text and files using GnuPG and Kleopatra and Let’s use PGP and TAILS: A Beginner’s Guide . PGP does not have (perfect) forward secrecy which means the encrypted texts can be collected by for example, LE and decrypt at a later date when powerful enough quantum computers are around Harvest now, decrypt later - Wikipedia . In ideal scenario you should be using PGP to exchange end-to-end encrypted IM details which you should be rotating and compartmentalizing based on the risk level of your given contact.

I am not trying to accuse anyone of anything but thought it was certainly 'interesting' as to why responses were deleted. Getting too much advice? Or ashamed of the advice/lack of competence (everyone starts from somewhere no issues there in my book)? Or did not want people commenting about how to secure themselves? Would be nice to have some explanation of it. It might not be of 'my business' but... every time valuable information on how to (approach) structure or properly setup offshore servers like others have mentioned, or how to ACTUALLY protect yourself on the Internet by utilizing PGP gets removed... it does raise some eyebrows.

Thank you.
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every time valuable information on how to (approach) structure or properly setup offshore servers like others have mentioned, or how to ACTUALLY protect yourself on the Internet by utilizing PGP gets removed
I use SingleFile to save things I want to access offline on my external SSD.

Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF
When a thread is deleted or posts are, it has happened solely at the discretion of the administrator of OffshoreCorpTalk.com, and it is not intended for one to be assertive and open a new thread to start the same circus again.

There is nothing to be ashamed of or anything to hide, the mistake was an IPV6 "misconfiguration" when we made a server switch a short time ago, and that was it, such things can happen, end of story.

When then all the noise that was made in a thread like this is posted, it becomes irritating. It is obvious that some here are trying to profile themselves as the great IT experts while others try to drag the whole forum down into some dirt or just turn things towards the next big disaster with doomsday prophecies.

We have said it before, and I'll say it again, we do not want this kind of thing. You are free to criticize as much as you like and speak your mind, but if you have a problem with being here on OffshoreCorpTalk.com then the very best thing you can do is to stay away. Delete the link here and forget the forum.

Next, it is the Administrator of the forum who deletes posts and threads at their own discretion, and we do not explain why or invite to lengthy discussions about it. So much is posted here and that is great, but sometimes it just goes too far or serves another purpose, and then it is up to us to do what is best for the forum, and that may be to delete posts and the thread, so that all of you who are serious and really have something at heart or contribute with can be here in peace and quiet and find the information needed.

I do not intend to elaborate on this further, if one has not understood it by now, then one can just wonder why posts or threads are deleted without being able to understand the world.
They are not stored but deleted, so that's why. But your suggestion is valid.

Anyway, I can see that our new Lifetime Mentor Group Gold member already published a new thread that is at least as informative as everything that was deleted, and should someone be interested in it, I believe that if one of you opens a new thread, the person would be willing to respond and clarify any questions.
Reactions: jafo and JohnnyDoe
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