Question Why is Jeff Bezos (and others) selling so much stock?


Pro Member
May 13, 2022

A lot of other people in privileged position in public companies are selling large amounts of stocks and especially "US politicians" on several committees with access to "insider's information".

What's going on?
Reactions: jayM
All his "tax the super rich" proposals never passed since he took office. This one will (again) never pass
That must be the reason for taking the steps he and other billionaires take right now.
Reactions: jafo
That must be the reason for taking the steps he and other billionaires take right now.
(1) I believe this too. I think that @Martin Everson is correct!

(2) It could be a combination of the following: I am NOT investing in "most" stocks or crypto now, as I feel the prices of most of them are too high. Now, if anything drops by 30%, I'm in like Flynn. I have buy-limit orders on every broker I have.
Reactions: Alonzo
I am NOT investing in "most" stocks or crypto now, as I feel the prices of most of them are too high. Now, if anything drops by 30%, I'm in like Flynn. I have buy-limit orders on every broker I have.
no price is ever too high or too low, the right price is the one buyers are willing to pay. Don’t even try value investing, nobody is smarter than the market (unless you have some insider info).
There are some rumors about "disruptive" which is coming based on canadian government reporting and to prepare or the new airbnb policy called the "disruptive policy" which starts from 06.06.24 (6,6,6 (2+4) )
So many people stepping back including Schwab

The policy explains how Airbnb handles cancellations and refunds when large-scale events affect a reservation.

What events are covered​

The following events are covered under this Policy if they impact your reservation location, occur after the time of booking, and prevent or legally prohibit completion of a future or ongoing reservation (referred to in this Policy as “Events”):

Declared public health emergencies and epidemics. Government-declared epidemics, pandemics, and public health emergencies. This does not include diseases that are endemic (for example, the flu) or commonly associated with an area (for example, malaria in Thailand). COVID-19 is not covered under this Major Disruptive Events Policy.

Government travel restrictions. Mandatory travel restrictions imposed by a governmental agency, such as an evacuation order. This does not include non-binding travel advisories and similar government guidance.

Military actions and other hostilities. Acts of war, hostilities, invasions, civil war, terrorism, explosions, bombings, rebellions, riots, and insurrection.

Large-scale outages of essential utilities. Prolonged outages of essential utilities, such as heat, water, and electricity, impacting the vast majority of homes in a given location.

Natural disasters. Natural disasters and other severe weather events. Weather or natural conditions that are common enough to be foreseeable in a given location—for example, hurricanes occurring during hurricane season in Florida—are covered only when they result in another Event covered by this Policy that prevents completion of the reservation, such as a mandatory evacuation order or large-scale outage of essential utilities.
Reactions: jafo
no price is ever too high or too low, the right price is the one buyers are willing to pay. Don’t even try value investing, nobody is smarter than the market (unless you have some insider info).
It can be repeated to endless and some will still not understand it
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