I'm using exodus.io since a while to manage my portefolio and others, it's a great tool for trading and exchanging multible assets and have a nice overview.
However, they have had several new tokens and coins like ripple in BETA for the last 3 months and don't add them it sucks big times.. they don't even add the major TOP 10 from Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations | CoinMarketCap to their software.
It seems they sleep on their already success which sucks big times. I hope soon they will wake up and add more or that a competitot will take over and build something even better.
However, they have had several new tokens and coins like ripple in BETA for the last 3 months and don't add them it sucks big times.. they don't even add the major TOP 10 from Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations | CoinMarketCap to their software.
It seems they sleep on their already success which sucks big times. I hope soon they will wake up and add more or that a competitot will take over and build something even better.