Why do western governments take in so many immigrants?


Member Plus
Oct 13, 2023
Nevada, US
The polls are clear, those from Europe and to a lesser extent the US and Canada, do not want hordes from the southern borders sweeping through, especially without screening and assurance that they will not be an economic burden.

Why is this happening in unison, against the will of the people, in every western country (The only real exceptions are Hungary and Poland)?

Is there a clear economic benefit to those with political power? Do human smuggling operations have enough profits to lobby governments?

Any ideas?
I never thought of you as being religious...

Illegal immigration is a huge business and serves various purposes of the wider political agenda.
There is obviously a political agenda that pairs with the businesses related to immigration, I always wonder if those with such an agenda realize what they are bringing upon themselves.
I never thought of you as being religious...
It is not about being religious
There is obviously a political agenda that pairs with the businesses related to immigration, I always wonder if those with such an agenda realize what they are bringing upon themselves.
It’s short term profit for long term damage, certainly not to those in the business.
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They need people, otherwise the piramidal scam pension system goes down real fast
these people don't produce - it's not gonna safe anything regarding pensions...

1) money talks - "taking care" of migrants is a great business
2) creating new loyal voters bribed by free money and dependent on the social programs

who cares though... Europe is done, the only question is how fast it will be
Have you seen the population chart for most Western EU countries? lmao

They need people, otherwise the piramidal scam pension system goes down real fast
I would argue that this is easily fixed with policy - at worst just force people to have children by outlawing contraceptives , pornography, fast dating, and improving spending for children

And in any case many of the immigrants where I am from don't participate in the labor market (chômage), but honestly since the covid scam it has been difficult to find workers among the locals.

The EU is done, we will see if Europe as a cultural/social entity will survive somehow.
I am hoping there is going to be something left of europe. Whatever the case is, I am sure immigration from the congo and sahel is not fixing any problems here.
enough young working people
I doubt these refugees are going to start waking up at 5 a.m. and going to work to pay into pensions.

I am hoping there is going to be something left of europe.
Just look where these refugees come from. Their new home will end up looking like their old home.

When I invited clowns to my castle, the clowns did NOT become kings, instead, my castle became a circus.
I can relate, and unfortunately you are right.

I wonder what the weather is like in Budapest this time of year...
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Immigrants are ready to take whatever job they get.
This used to be true for my mother and father who are from Southern European countries and immigrated to Northern European countries. I sincerely doubt that the "new immigrants" from below the South of Europe are willing to work.

I was born on a European colonized island and those who came to work there like animals were Europeans. The locals did NOT want to work. Heck, most didn't even want to go to school and take advantage of that free European education.

Maybe the new "refugees" will transform into hardworking laborers. Who knows...
It's not just in Europe, it happens everywhere. In South America you have people from poorer countries immigrate to Argentina/Brazil for work, in Asia you have people from Burma or Cambodia move to Thailand, Vietnam or Malaysia.

Governments allow it because they do the work that no one wants to do, including dangerous work such as construction. They also do it for cheap which allows certain industries--such as real estate--to grow more rapidly.

I doubt it's about the pension system. Most immigrants work illegally or earn minimum wage. In developed EU countries they are pretty much useless for the social security; I'd say they are a burden. Go to any public hospital in Spain and half of the people there are immigrants with 14 kids each.
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EU's liberal politicians fine with it because they are either blind and think it will solve Europe's demographic issues or they do it on purpose because they know those migrants will never vote to the anti-migrant right-wing parties, so their re-election is secured this way.
Just look at the EU leaders, Von der Leyen is basically a US puppet, her family members live in the USA and Washington push her to be the next leader of NATO, they don't even hide that she serves America's interests and not the EU citizens'...

It all started with the brain drain, Germany offered education to professionals from the Middle-East and sub-saharan Africa and convinced the best engineers etc who also learned the language to stay there, also France did the same from it's former colonies.
So the people who could actually contribute to those countries actually never went back, therefore the economics opportunities in Africa is basically zero, apart from exploiting it's vast natural resources.

A popualtion boom happened in Africa and after the Arab Spring made by the nice Americans the road to Europe was cleared.
Europe used to have good leaders, for example Merkel did good things for the German industry, but she said two very stupid things when the migrants started:
"Wir schaffen das" we can manage this, "es gibt keine Obergrenze" no upper limit
Merkel thought these new migrants will want to study and work just like the 1st wave, but 94% of them just wants to use the social benefits and has no plan to work. Saudi-Arabia even built city quarters for them but no migrants going there because again they don't want to work.

Hungary tries to solve it's demographics issues with different methods, give couples many benefits who will have kids, import workers from Vietnam and the Philippines. I'm not sure if it will work but certainly sounds more appealing than letting millions of muslims in.
I'm biased but if I were living in Western-Europe I would certainly move to Hungary or Poland if I still want to live in the civilized Europe in the future.

I'm not a fan of the authoritarian leaders like Victor Orban and Putin, but when they sound more reasonable than the US president, you know there is something wrong.
Clearly there is something wrong, and the trajectory seems to be obviously bad.
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