Which EMI use this bank?


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Mentor Group Lifetime
Apr 15, 2009
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The tax office just wrote that I have to deliver bank statements from a bank account I don't even know I had or where it belongs to, I made a IBAN check and came to this information, do you know which EMI or crypto exchang is using this bank ?

BANKSecure Nordic Payments UAB
ADDRESSPerkunkiemio St 2
COUNTRYLithuania (LT)
Hi @uplana,

this is MisterTango.

They re-named after all the scandals and fines they faced from the regulator.

So either you had an account directly with them or with some other Crypto Project in the past as MisterTango acted as payment agent / Whitelabel Provider in the past.
I am curious, from where did the tax man got any information about this account?
MisterTango itself.

More and more EMI in Lithuania start reporting as they have to and expecially MisterTango has a high pressure from the regulator as they were close before shutdown.

Other forum members with ties to the Lithuania EMI scene mentioned this already.
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