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Which EMI gives the least amount of hassles if you add funds through crypto creditcard and make small IBAN transfers?


New member
Oct 25, 2021
Hello everyone,

I would really appreciate your opinion on the following.

I have a crypto.com VISA CC. I convert crypto to USD and add it to my CC.
I use this CC to fund my EMI (revolut, bankera, advcash etc.). From my EMI, I might send 500-1500 euro a month to an outside IBAN
(could be a bank account on my name, or a relative, or utilities/mortgage etc.).

Based on your experience, which EMI gives the least amount of hassles in this process, considering the funds are added via a crypto credit card?
(I just mentioned a few EMI's, but there are of course plenty more, feel free to mention the ones you think are relevant)

I don't have anything to hide, just wanted to look for a way to do it without headaches/too many interruptions.

Another option could be to fund the EMI CC (some have one) by using the crypto.com CC, and then using the EMI CC to fund IBAN transfers.

Thank you very much for your input! thu&¤#