Where to move to avoid the next pandemic's restrictions?

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Really unexpected. Don't know why but intuitively i tought it'll be more free there.
That a bummer.

What about
Montenegro, Czech republic and Serbia

Any one from one of these countries share info if they also took extreme covid measures?

Czech rep is on the same hype as Germany etc, our country closed schools for longest time in EU (I think was it 8 months), also came up with many extreme messures, unvaccinated people were labeled as enemies of society, bars/restaurants/gyms etc only allowed with covid pass to visit, really insane, but I think same as western Europe.
Approximately 1/3, maybe half of the country knows what's going on, the rest are total sheep.

In March 2020 they proclaimed the island of Murter was the centre of the epidemic and closed it off completely. By closed off I mean police patrol boats were going around the island 24/7. Clown world.

When vaccines arrived they were planning on going from home to home to vaccinate people. School teachers and medical workers lost their jobs because of the vax mandate. You could either take the vax or do a PCR or antigen test every 2 days. If you caught Covid your QR code only lasted 6 months.

There were also plans to make QRs mandatory to enter shopping centres, although that didn't happen in the end.

People were fined for 1000 euro just for leaving their house and staying in their own garden during isolation. However when summer (tourists) arrived Covid magically disappeared, until mid September when clown world restarted.

End of 2021 was the worst in my opinion. Thats when I bought a crossbow and several hundred rounds of darts. Because I would rather die/get killed than take the vaccine.

Conclusion: Croatia is OK but only during summer and ideally with a QR code if you can get one. Prices were around 500 euro for local residents but by the time I found someone restrictions were already being lifted.
I agree about Armenia. No covid problems here
Reactions: khinkali
I agree about Armenia. No covid problems here
Thanks for the reply,
At this moment most of the world is relaxed
But how was it there in the past 2 winters? What was the mask requirements indoors / PCR tests to go into hospitals / curfews and lockdowns?

Welcome to Zanzibar guys, the autonomous Government just declared early on there was no Covid on the island. There was of course, but you face no restrictions and anyone can find something affordable.
Was it like this in the past 2 winters as well?
But how was it there in the past 2 winters?
I a surprised: You say that you live in Georgia. The difference between Armenia and Georgia with regards to COVID has been widely discussed in regional media. Thee was even a diplomatic dispute between both countries in May/June 2020 because of this.

In short: In Armenia people did not care about COVID and most refused to get vaccinated.
There was a mask manadate but it was only lightly enforced. Nobody really cared about it.
The United States was like two different countries during the "pandemic." The liberal states had all the stupidity (masks, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, mandate firings) while the conservative states had none of that nonsense or quickly got rid of it (except for certain areas over which the federal government had control, such as airports). This dichotomy really contributed to the ongoing political and cultural splintering in the country between rational thinkers and the brainwashed sheep.

Almost everything that came out of the various federal health agencies was an overt lie. But the pandemic also showed the strength of a federalist system, where a central government has certain limited powers, while the state is the basic unit of political power. You had the option to move to another state to avoid the idiocy -- and many people did. A number of liberal states lost a Congressional seat in the last census.
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Reactions: backpacker
I share your concerns, I'll be moving to Bosnia
For real?
How did it go over there?

But someone wrote that even until now there are masks requirements. Doesn't now we'll for the future

Any one know anything about Serbia and their actions during COVID times?
Panama's President Cortizo announced that effective July 11th, the mask mandate will end in Panama. Masks are not required to be worn outside or in closed spaces with the exception of buses, subways, and health facilities.

Meanwhile, in Peru:
Panama's President Cortizo announced that effective July 11th, the mask mandate will end in Panama. Masks are not required to be worn outside or in closed spaces with the exception of buses, subways, and health facilities.

Meanwhile, in Peru:
I seriously cannot understand what the f happened there in Latin America. I always had the impression they are so chill and laid back but the last two years showed me otherwise.
I seriously cannot understand what the f happened there in Latin America. I always had the impression they are so chill and laid back but the last two years showed me otherwise.
The other problem was the media. In two countries that both had loose COVID restrictions, it unceasingly attacked Bolsonaro in Brazil, because he is a conservative, and it cheered Obrador, because he is a leftist.

Meanwhile, Bolsonaro legalized firearms in Brazil for the first time with the expected results (at least for any clear-thinking individual):

More Legal Guns Reduced Crime in Brazil

Homicide fell 34% after Bolsonaro made firearms permits easier and cheaper.

Criminalize firearms -- and then only criminals will have firearms. Legalize firearms -- and then criminals are afraid of getting shot by their intended victims. That is far too difficult for socialists to understand.

The liberal media was probably the second largest villain during COVID.
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
I seriously cannot understand what the f happened there in Latin America. I always had the impression they are so chill and laid back but the last two years showed me otherwise.
A history of right-wing dictatorship and lack of bad history with communism. Poor population that wants more help and control of the government, rather than freedom.
I'm expecting that in the upcoming Autumn all previous covid restrictions will return and will be even harder and stricter.
they will, governments will not give up before all "slaves" have been made poor. The world will go crazy.
Sure, with virtually nothing to export the island lives from tourism. And buying property is cheap, residence permit with $100k investment, i.e. FUMBA TOWN | The Future of Living in Zanzibar
I can recommend Serbia.

There were very few vax restrictions, mostly aimed at club nightlife.
Even at the start, when there were restrictions like no dining inside, people would still let you in and say "if someone asks, you're friends of the owner, not customers.". Police didn't care.
Overall Serbians are great people. Belgrade is a fun city with a great expat community.
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