Where to go for vaccine tourism?

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Natural immunity.
That is true. Now that he has had COVID, his natural antibodies will protect him far more than any vaccine ever will -- without the risk of any adverse events. Most people are simply ignoring the well-established science.

BTW: As of a week ago, the number of suspected deaths from the COVID vaccine now exceeds 4,000.
Several grams every two hours??? seriously?

You’ll end up with diarrea and dropping more vitamin trough your pee that you don’t need.
Several grams every two hours??? seriously?

You’ll end up with diarrea and dropping more vitamin trough your pee that you don’t need.
No, I have actually done it before. When I am healthy my body can handle about 16 grams per day before getting loose stool, gas, etc. With a cold or a flu, my body has easily handled 36 grams per day without any side effects. The more sick that you are, the more vitamin C your body needs. For example, people with cancer often tolerate 100-200 grams per day. I do not have time to gather the research, but here is a beginner's article:

Well, still is useless as it will go more in your pee than in your body
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Well, still is useless as it will go more in your pee than in your body
You missed the entire point. The body uses all the vitamin C that it needs until bowel tolerance occurs, which is the signal that your body does not need more. Whatever is excreted in your urine is irrelevant. This is well-established science.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/732...utilizing vitamin,or toxicity of his disease.
so why the entire world isn’t just taking vit C??
Because our governments are corrupt and beholden to corrupt multinational conglomerates, including big pharma. The same people who despoiled the banking system destroyed the natural cure health system. This happened a century ago. Greed, corruption, and human stupidity (i.e., no one researches this stuff for themselves but simply listens to their brainwashed allopathic doctors).

WSJ, 04JUN2021:
" .... The Russian president used his appearance at the forum to task his government with preparing a way for foreign citizens to pay to get vaccinated in Russia against Covid-19, expanding the Kremlin’s efforts to push vaccine diplomacy. ...."

This might significantly increase chances that they are going to set up something in the transit area of SVO. The airport has the capacity, specifically during these times. It would be the easiest way for nomads to get vaccinated.
In Miami they’re already vaccinating at the airport when you arrive.
Reactions: backpacker
That sounds very interesting.
How does the procedure work? A foreigner who arrives from overseas will get his first vaccine shot on arrival at the airport? Where can this person go to collect the second shot: Same place or any place in the US? Does the traveler get a certificate of his first shot at Miami airport?
Would appreciate if you can explain it in detail. Thanks!
I am not sure why any clear-thinking person would want the "vaccine." These disturbing medical news stories are coming out almost on a daily basis, at least if you hunt for them (the mainstream media ignores them).

When the purified spike protein is injected into the blood of research animals, they experience damage to the cardiovascular system and the protein can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain, Bridle explained.
Yes, you can choose between pfizer or janssen (one shot).
I don’t know how it works for 2 doses vaccines, I think you can take the 2nd one anywhere available but some sites explicitly mention they have shots for 2nd dose.
Yes, you get the certificate at the airport.
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Well then more than 50% of US population will die? Or at least 40%?
It’s up to yourself to choose, right?
but if everyone that takes the vaccine could have health issues in the future then the only healthy people would be the anti vaccine ones? So the anti vaccines are supporting the vaccination campaign so only they will be safe in the future?
It’s up to yourself to choose, right?
That is true, but the problem is that the governments of the world are hiding all the key facts. So, how can you make an informed choice? If you are under age 70, are disease free, and have proper Vitamin D levels then you have practically a zero chance of dying from COVID-19.

On the other hand, thousands of people have died from the various vaccines, likely tens of thousands. If you are healthy, then the cost-benefit analysis is obvious.

These are scientific and medical facts. Has your government informed you of these facts? Has any government informed their citizens of this fact? If not, then have you really made any type of informed choice?
Interesting info that you posted. I personally used bulk quantities of Vitamin C (buffered to avoid stomach intolerance )along with other natural cures to reduce inflammation as I was struck with RA (inflammatory arthritis ) quite young. I researched day and night and I was able to cure myself completely of this disease. My RA doctor was quite shocked to see me running when he had told me I was looking forward to life in a wheelchair (I was in a wheelchair already when I saw him ). Today your post reminded me of that episode in my life. I haven't taken the vaccine as of yet but I have to take it soon as it's going to be mandatory requirement soon in the country I am in. None of the vaccines for Covid 19 it seems are like former vaccines with inactive virus to trigger immune response. By the way Vitamin D3 helps in stronger immune system so for RA, other arthritis patients (except osteoarthritis patients ) even Vitamin D3 is not good as a stronger immune system gives it more strength to attack your joints. That is the reason all the medicines for them suppress the immune system which can cause more problems when you are facing diseases like Covid 19 etc.
I have a friend who controls her RA by simply fasting (no food, only water) for four or five days once every year. So, the elimination of inflammatory foods can works wonders (and is often the cause of the disease).

RA is an auto-immune disease, where the body's immune system attacks its own tissue, including the joints. So, it makes perfect sense that doctors want to suppress the immune system to eliminate the symptoms, which also explains why people with auto-immune disease have such difficulty battling COVID-19. The problem with allopathic doctors, however, is that they suppress the symptoms rather then address the underlying causes of the disease.

BTW: I have no problem with certain categories of people taking the COVID-19 vaccines if they fall within certain susceptible groups (elderly, multiple comorbidities, etc.), but it should be a cost-benefit analysis based on accurate scientific data. Unfortunately, the world's governments fail to supply this information and, often, actively suppress it. Some of this stuff is downright evil.

Fortunately, the U.S. has some legacy reporting systems from when medical science still held sway, so we have access to data systems such as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). So, we have a general sense of how many people die from the COVID-19 vaccines and the number of adverse events. The other side of the coin is educating yourself about natural medicine and the real risk of COVID-19, which is vastly overstated -- especially if you are healthy. Then you can make an informed decision.
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I am not sure why any clear-thinking person would want the "vaccine."
Your question is legit. I am not in a risk group and would probably do better by not considering vaccination.
Unfortunately, in the not so distant future it will be impossible to visit certain countries without having been vaccinated. Already now governments doing all they can to make life difficult for unvaccinated people. For me and many others vaccination is much more a practical question than it is a medical.
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