What's the best virtual bank account for receiving wire transfers?

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Thanks for the info I may well be in touch very soon

Any hints of your rates? (Or at least, the minimum revenue I'd likely need per month, to make it worthwhile engaging these services etc?) - Worried I may be a little 'small fry' for this!
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Nice, thanks. With TW... I've heard they sometimes ask for a payment from your 'real' bank as part of the verification process... That could be an issue for me I guess, as trying to firewall any real banks! Can I ask, do you know if you can open a Cyprus bank remotely, via, erm, slightly 'not white' IDs?

Also @clemens - How is the New Mexico company working out for you? Is it okay?

Thanks in advance!

For me it has always been Transfer Wise if we speak EMI's if we speak banking, my old accounts in Cyprus have been working like a clock work.
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