There are 2 tools that can be used to avoid to pay tax and reduce the tax to be paid. First one is the
LOAN tool which is a simple loan agreement that's made between the company owner and the company itself. The money you transfer from the
offshore company's account to your own has to be paid back after some time, it can be 5, 10, 15 or even 25 years! So there has to be paid Interest.
The second option is to make use of double tax treaties that your country MUST have with the
offshore jurisdiction of your choice, you will want to pay the local tax there which most often is much less than what you usually are used to pay. Doing so, will except you from paying tax in your own country.
Both setups will require full nominee services with real nominees not corporations! And you will need to have a local tax adviser or tax lawyer to support it towards the tax office which with guarantees will questioning these methods / tools anyway.