What is going on in Ukraine

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What those graphics suppose to mean?
Do not understand.

Ukraine won't be recapturing anything. The war is lost.
Russians wanted to make a parade in Kyiv in February. Now after they will loose Kherson they would not have any regional city captured since 24th of February.
Follow the news, it will be there shortly.

Do not forget that Ukraine is the real Rus (not the fake one tatar Moscovy) and those people are experts to fight the esatern hordes.
They did it for millennium to survive.

Russia will take Kharkov and Odessa. When all is done, it will posses territory that represents 90% of Ukrainian gdp.
Fits of all, they are not able to do that after HIMRS and 777 were deployed in Ukraine. Any amassing of technics will be destroyed in hours by Ukrainians.
Secondly, Kharkiv and Odessa do not represent 90% of gdp.
Unfortunately Ukraine is finished as a nation state. It fell into the trap of being a western puppet.
since the war begun Russians lost 80 000 soldiers killed and wounded (out of 200 000) deployed. They also lost 1750 tanks and managed to capture only Kherson out of the big cities.
They run with shame from Kyiv region suffered huge losses.
The sanctions has decapacitated their economy.

What you will see in the recent years is a vassalization of Russia by China. As Russians are looking their army and will need access to basic things to keep their people surviving in Russia.

I hope more of their citizens realise this, they should be disgusted at the Zelensky regime, Kolomoisky and all the other corrupt individuals.
There is no regimes, Ukraine does not have dictators unlike Russia and Belarus.
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Reactions: BrainWick
Verdict: FAKE NEWS

Russia never attempted to take Kiev. Why? Because they never committed troops there, they deployed a small number which shaped the battlefield how they wanted it. It is called manoeuvre warfare.

Now you may think the Russians are stupid, but trying to take a city the size of Kiev, with a few thousand troops? Didn't happen.

Fits of all, they are not able to do that after HIMRS and 777 were deployed in Ukraine. Any amassing of technics will be destroyed in hours by Ukrainians.
Secondly, Kharkiv and Odessa do not represent 90% of gdp.
Verdict: FAKE NEWS

HIMARS and Howitzers are not game changers. This is the western narrative. They are going to cause loss of life, but they will not change the course of the war. The 777 in particular is not going to do much, they break easily. Maybe there are US troops on the ground in some capacity to carry out maintenance, it wouldn't surprise me but they will be a small thorn in the Russian's side.

I never said Kharkiv and Odessa are 90%. Kharkiv, Odessa, plus the areas Russia currently hold, and will hold represent 90%.
since the war begun Russians lost 80 000 soldiers killed and wounded (out of 200 000) deployed. They also lost 1750 tanks and managed to capture only Kherson out of the big cities.
They run with shame from Kyiv region suffered huge losses.
Verdict: FAKE NEWS

This statement is laughable. It cannot be corroborated by anything factual. It's a few thousand lost at worst. Even when British intelligence agencies trawled social media for grieving friends and families, they found around 3k losses.

I mean where have those losses occurred? There have hardly been any Russian troops in Ukraine in recent weeks, they are back refitting, training and preparing for an August offensive.
The sanctions has decapacitated their economy.
Verdict: FAKE NEWS

Again, dreamland. Do you actually believe this? If so post why. And I don't want any links to pieces by the Associated Press, Western economists or academics posting tweet threads.

There is no regimes, Ukraine does not have dictators unlike Russia and Belarus.
No, it has a puppet government, installed by an Oligarch and the CFR, backed by nationalists.

This post is an embarrassment. If you genuinely believe what you have just written, then I'd hate to be this far away from reality, but fair enough.

I'm glad I can look at it without an emotional stake on either side. Just the truth.
Things are gonna get interesting if Iran supplies Russia with drone technology as U.S claims. I can see why U.S are worried and are warning Iran. Remember Iran possess very advanced drone technology. I wonder where they got it from......

Reactions: polonieth
GDP of UA, obviously.
As a reminder, check what you wrote in post #17 ....

.... and compare that with the official dataset.
Where can you see minus 90% of GDP?

The main word her IF.
This is another sign that Russia is doing EXTREMELY BAD in Ukraine.
Putin had to humiliate himself and ask for drones from Iran, and when refused from Erdogan.

And all this for one reason, to do something with HIMARS.
Reactions: BrainWick
Why should I?
Read again post #19 + what it refers to. Then continue with post #23.
Any GDP that Ukraine will lose due to war will be restored in around 5 years or some, same as after 2014.

When it comes to numbers Russians are loosing much more money due to sanctions, as they are on the larger scale.
Not to mention diminishing of oil products trade. They are literally on the road to nowhere, as the sanctions will not be lifted and this is only the beginning.
How can you not have realised that sanctions do virtually nothing by now? Some short term issues, few annoyances here and there.

It's like the ability for people to think is at all time lows, they watch their favourite mainstream media or log into their social media not for information, but instructions.

Headline: "Sanctions working"

Normies "Sanctions working" no questions or further reading.

The sanctions have had the reverse effect. Europe is on the road to nowhere. Germany is seriously screwed.

The only thing that might help is if the new government in Italy stands up and stops sending weapons etc to Ukraine. Only takes one to upset the apple cart.

But ye keep thinking it's working! The Europeans can't heat their homes and filling a petrol tank costs €150 but Vladimir Putin can't get an iPhone 14 this September if his life depended on it! #winning
Reactions: Jerry1911
How do you know what is working and what is not?
I can tell you that the sanctions are working because I know this from Russians. I mean real people, not media.

Dozens of thousands Russians are leaving Russia in fear of internal repressions and the war. They go everywhere around the globe, based on the amount of money they have and ability to stay abroad. And those who cannot escape are in fears.

Some of them were waiting until everything will end. But now the more and more people begin to realize that this harm is permanent.

It is not a fun, and not a game. When you comparing Germany and Italy with Russia, believe me you cannot compere the level of harm that EU countries have with those in Russia.

Zelensky 'not all he's portrayed as' by Western media: Bernardi​

*Martin ducks for cover*
Reactions: polonieth
You really just embarrassed yourself. Spit in the face of your mom that created such a looser. Lol

You should blame Russia for the mess, not Ukraine.

Russians intervened Ukraine, note vice versa.
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Zelensky 'not all he's portrayed as' by Western media: Bernardi​

*Martin ducks for cover*
There is no civil war, there are no "Russian regions" or "Russian people" in Ukraine. There were 2 invasions of Russia in Ukraine, one in 2014 and the second one in 2022.

It is like saying that you have Pakistani people in Birmingham and the Queen did not consider to grant them the right to vote over Birmingham independence from the UK. What a bad Queen. Same nonsense.
Reactions: BrainWick
Everyone born prior to 1991 in Ukraine, was effectively Russian. There are millions of people in the country who identify more with Russia than any other country. Hence why there is a separatist region. And why Mariupol voted in a referendum for it.

You have no clue, you are young, that is obvious. Now I'm starting to think you have never been near Russia or Ukraine.
Everyone born prior to 1991 in Ukraine, was effectively Russian.
OK, why not Chinese or Japanese?
Everyone born in the UK prior to Brexit was effectively German. Well said my friend, very clever indeed)

There are millions of people in the country who identify more with Russia than any other country. Hence why there is a separatist region.
There are Ukrainians that speaks Russian language, and there are Russian minorities, as well as Greek an Armenian. But they were not separatists before Russian invasion.

Army of Ukraine is decimating Russian army right now. Do you really think they would not be able to recapture a city from a few hundreds of separatist militia in 2014?
You are so naive my friend.

And why Mariupol voted in a referendum for it.
Mate this very statement just shows that you just talking nonsense. I would not reply to your nonsense any longer, it is just a waste of time. You are not qualified for this discussion, sorry.

Mariupol was Ukrainian before March 2022. There were no Russian referendums.

You have no clue, you are young, that is obvious. Now I'm starting to think you have never been near Russia or Ukraine.
I do not know why are you even arguing with me because you do not know a thing about this region. Probably you are just some brainwashed Trump supporter and Putin lover from the EU or UK. As the things you write are so stupid that I do not want to teach you anymore about CIS.
Army of Ukraine is decimating Russian army right now. Do you really think they would not be able to recapture a city from a few hundreds of separatist militia in 2014?
You are so naive my friend.
"Decimating the Russian army"

It's the other way around. Ukraine are losing around a battalion per day. It is sad that thousands of young guys, and now older ones, seen as though they're having to bring in guys with zero training, are being blown to pieces. They don't even see any Russians, only artillery.

Just basic common sense is going to tell you that Russia is winning comfortably, they haven't even mobilised.They don't even have many troops in Ukraine, they've been refitting for the last month.
Mariupol was Ukrainian before March 2022. There were no Russian referendums.
There was a referendum there in 2014.
ukainian males left poland last month when they received a letter from polish government that they have been asked by ukrainian government to detain ukrainian males in poland and bring them to ukraine so they can fight the war.
They gave a date when it will start however i can't remember it anymore
Reactions: polonieth
Ukrainian forces were able to enter the city on 18 August,[31] they were encircled between 24 and 26 August by overwhelming Russian military forces that crossed the border, joining the battle.[32][33]
Incorrect citation! You left out a word which falsifies the true meaning of the sentence in context.

I suggest you study the part "Aftermath" of the very same link.

Mariupol was Ukrainian before March 2022. There were no Russian referendums.
East Ukraine goes to the polls for independence referendum
2014 Donbas status referendums - Wikipedia
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