What happens if EMI has negative Zen account


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Feb 27, 2023
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Hi all,
Recently I had a problem with my ZEN account.
I blocked the card and then after a day it was charged 230 euro from a merchant even the card is blocked.
The support confirmed that the transcation was made after the card is bocked, but the account is at minus 230 and it is blocked.
My main question is what they can do to me if I do not pay them that 230 as It is not my fault they were charged from my account( I had 3 euro in it before this happens thanks god).
So longstory short my account is negative at 230 and what I do not want to pay this. What happens next? WIll they try somehow to block my other bank account?
Reactions: JohnLocke
"If you do not cover your negative balance within 5 days, ZEN has the right to initiate debt recovery processes, apply to the courts or otherwise request injunction or interim relief for the purpose of recovering any unpaid negative balance that you may have. If we send you a demand letter for overdue payments, you will be charged an additional fee based on your address (6,82 PLN forPoland; 20 PLN for other countries)."

Source: https://www.zen.com/files/terms-and-conditions/Terms_and_Conditions_Individual.pdf - Point 6.

Contact support and let them know what happened.
I can understand if someone has serious problems and owes thousands of euros or dollars, but making a fuss over 230€ is just a waste of time and I would pay it off immediately and then move on.
Reactions: diatessaron
Well, it is true that it is always worth to consider whether the sum disputed is worth my time and/or energy – and, of course, own honour also counts (many people simply cannot digest when they are inapproprietly treated); but I see another very significant problem there:
The support confirmed that the transcation was made after the card is bocked, but the account is at minus 230 and it is blocked.
It simply should not happen that a transaction is executed with a blocked card; and even if it happens (due to some system error or because the transaction was performed offline), in must not result in debeting the account and subsequently blocking it (on condition that the card blocking was performed correctly and according to ToS). No way.
So, I would also stand firmly on position that Zen is not entitled to receive anything and I want a clear explanation what happened. (And if not satisfied with the explanation, I'll run away like hell.)
First from the supprot told me the transaction is made after the card was blaocked and today they came with exaplanation that the transaction was made before the card was blocked.
Are they entitled to block my accounts in my country or I should just avoid this EMI from now on?
First from the supprot told me the transaction is made after the card was blaocked and today they came with exaplanation that the transaction was made before the card was blocked.
It can change the game completely, of course. But it should all be recorded and documented – when the card blocking happened, when the transaction happened (with all details) and what timeframe is set up in ToS for blocking to be effective. Insist on showing the proofs.
Are they entitled to block my accounts in my country
See this post What happens if EMI has negative Zen account. In short, after taking appropriate measures, they are. (I personally guess that it can happen especially if you are EU resident, then it would be quite simple as they are EU-LT.)
or I should just avoid this EMI from now on?
This will not solve your problem in all cases, I am afraid.
Reactions: jafo and moscote
Alright thanks for the relplies, just an update after I messaged them that their answers differently one time it is made before one time it is made after it is blocked and they answered me now to wait and that they will check. Lets see what iwll happen, I believe they will just want that money and come up with some excuse.
Reactions: jafo
Alright thanks for the relplies, just an update after I messaged them that their answers differently one time it is made before one time it is made after it is blocked and they answered me now to wait and that they will check.
Quite fair, IMO. It should be done so.
Lets see what iwll happen,
Yes, wait.

I think you should talk to the merchant to get the charge back.
Well, it's possible, generally; nevertheless if I were @moscote, I would not interfere with the process and wait until the case is clarified – simply, just not to make all it over-complicated.
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