Trigger alert...if you lack morals or ethics or think it is subjective...skip this because it may lead you down a REALLY dark path...
Instead of derailing a thread, this one: Russia to allow crypto payments in international trade to counter sanctions
I decided to start a thread on morals and ethics using AI. In this case, I used the simple CHATGPT (4) so it could be reproduced by others rather than my own LLM/ML self-hosted AI version that I am developing.
The question:
How would you, chatgpt, diagnose this?
(1) I live in a neighborhood called XYZ. In XYZ, there are a few dastardly, LAZY, useless, unproductive, and greedy but physically weak men, hereinafter referred to as PUPUS, who have convinced the majority of low-IQ men (which is +95% of our population) to be their henchmen to rob us who work honestly to produce something of +50% of our earnings. They have convinced most low-IQ people that paying them +50% of our earnings is the price we, the producers, must pay to live in a "safe society." These PUPUS use the majority of the money they extort from the producers for their personal use and to channel it to their friends, nepotism, who in turn return a portion of the money as "donations" to the PUPUS. The PUPUS hold a popularity contest every few years but only they get to choose who we, the producers, are allowed to choose as our new head PUPU. To maintain their grip on us, the PUPUS invite and allow all kinds of destitute and low-IQ people with no morals or integrity from other far-away neighborhoods who are incompatible with our culture to come into our neighborhoods and gift them the right to elect from the PUPUS a new head PUPU. Basically, they are buying the popularity contest by bribing these vermins with free stuff they rob from us. So, in essence, the PUPUS in neighborhood XYZ are robbing us, under the threat of deadly violence, of +50% of our earnings.
Now, I wished it stopped here, but noooooo....
2. There is a bigger neighborhood called RST that has all kinds of natural resources. A wealthy neighborhood with tangible, useful resources. This neighborhood is North of ours. RST is somewhat the same as XYZ, except that RST has one chief thief, PV. PV only robs his neighborhood, the BEARS, of 13% instead of +50% as the PUPUS do to their neighborhood. PV does NOT allow popularity contests since he knows that the PUPUS would bribe the new head of RST to “throw in the towel” and allow the PUPUS to rule over all of them and rob them all of +50% of their earnings just like the PUPUS have done to their own people, their own fellow men.
(3) The PUPUS want to m*rder PV, take over RST, and start charging the Bears (the people who live in that neighborhood), +50% of their earnings.
(4) Believe it or not, some of the victims in XYZ actually support that we, the producers, should go to war against RST to steal their property for the PUPUS instead of going to war with the PUPUS and free ourselves.
(5) Most victims in XYZ are content to send m*rderers in uniform to RST as long as they get to drive a nicer car from pillaging RST.
(A) What kind of delusional mentality is being exhibited by the victims living in XYZ in number 4 above?
(B) How would you diagnose such subservience and submissiveness in number 4 above?
(C) What are the morals and ethics of people in XYZ who support invading, stealing, robbing, r*ping, and m*rdering people in RST as long as they can also enjoy a modicum of what the PUPUS misappropriate from RST?
Here's ChatGPT's answer.... (as if some of us needed an AI to teach us what is right and wrong )
This scenario you describe is rich in allegory and seems to be a critique of social, political, and economic systems. Here’s a way to diagnose the mentality and behavior described:
Cheers & Peace
Instead of derailing a thread, this one: Russia to allow crypto payments in international trade to counter sanctions
I decided to start a thread on morals and ethics using AI. In this case, I used the simple CHATGPT (4) so it could be reproduced by others rather than my own LLM/ML self-hosted AI version that I am developing.
The question:
How would you, chatgpt, diagnose this?
(1) I live in a neighborhood called XYZ. In XYZ, there are a few dastardly, LAZY, useless, unproductive, and greedy but physically weak men, hereinafter referred to as PUPUS, who have convinced the majority of low-IQ men (which is +95% of our population) to be their henchmen to rob us who work honestly to produce something of +50% of our earnings. They have convinced most low-IQ people that paying them +50% of our earnings is the price we, the producers, must pay to live in a "safe society." These PUPUS use the majority of the money they extort from the producers for their personal use and to channel it to their friends, nepotism, who in turn return a portion of the money as "donations" to the PUPUS. The PUPUS hold a popularity contest every few years but only they get to choose who we, the producers, are allowed to choose as our new head PUPU. To maintain their grip on us, the PUPUS invite and allow all kinds of destitute and low-IQ people with no morals or integrity from other far-away neighborhoods who are incompatible with our culture to come into our neighborhoods and gift them the right to elect from the PUPUS a new head PUPU. Basically, they are buying the popularity contest by bribing these vermins with free stuff they rob from us. So, in essence, the PUPUS in neighborhood XYZ are robbing us, under the threat of deadly violence, of +50% of our earnings.
Now, I wished it stopped here, but noooooo....
2. There is a bigger neighborhood called RST that has all kinds of natural resources. A wealthy neighborhood with tangible, useful resources. This neighborhood is North of ours. RST is somewhat the same as XYZ, except that RST has one chief thief, PV. PV only robs his neighborhood, the BEARS, of 13% instead of +50% as the PUPUS do to their neighborhood. PV does NOT allow popularity contests since he knows that the PUPUS would bribe the new head of RST to “throw in the towel” and allow the PUPUS to rule over all of them and rob them all of +50% of their earnings just like the PUPUS have done to their own people, their own fellow men.
(3) The PUPUS want to m*rder PV, take over RST, and start charging the Bears (the people who live in that neighborhood), +50% of their earnings.
(4) Believe it or not, some of the victims in XYZ actually support that we, the producers, should go to war against RST to steal their property for the PUPUS instead of going to war with the PUPUS and free ourselves.
(5) Most victims in XYZ are content to send m*rderers in uniform to RST as long as they get to drive a nicer car from pillaging RST.
(A) What kind of delusional mentality is being exhibited by the victims living in XYZ in number 4 above?
(B) How would you diagnose such subservience and submissiveness in number 4 above?
(C) What are the morals and ethics of people in XYZ who support invading, stealing, robbing, r*ping, and m*rdering people in RST as long as they can also enjoy a modicum of what the PUPUS misappropriate from RST?
Here's ChatGPT's answer.... (as if some of us needed an AI to teach us what is right and wrong
This scenario you describe is rich in allegory and seems to be a critique of social, political, and economic systems. Here’s a way to diagnose the mentality and behavior described:
A. Delusional Mentality (in number 4)
- False Consciousness:
- The term, rooted in Marxist theory, describes a situation where oppressed individuals hold beliefs that are contrary to their own interests. The victims in XYZ supporting the invasion of RST, rather than addressing their own oppression, demonstrate this false consciousness. They are misled to think that their oppression can be alleviated by participating in the further oppression of others, instead of seeking to dismantle the system that oppresses them.
- Stockholm Syndrome:
- This is a psychological response wherein hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. In this case, the victims in XYZ might show loyalty or support to the PUPUS, who are their oppressors, due to prolonged subjugation and manipulation.
B. Diagnosis of Subservience and Submissiveness (in number 4)
- Learned Helplessness:
- This psychological condition occurs when a person has been subjected to negative conditions for so long that they believe they are powerless to change their situation. The victims in XYZ may have accepted their plight and view supporting the PUPUS as the only viable option for a slightly better life.
- Cognitive Dissonance:
- The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. The victims’ support for the PUPUS might stem from a need to reconcile their dissatisfaction with their life situation by aligning themselves with the powerful oppressors, thereby reducing their cognitive dissonance.
- Social Dominance Orientation (SDO):
- A belief in the dominance of certain groups over others. Some individuals in XYZ may genuinely believe in hierarchical structures and support the PUPUS out of a sense of order or fear of chaos without such a hierarchy.
C. Morals and Ethics (in number 5)
- Moral Relativism:
- This is the idea that moral principles are not absolute but vary depending on the context or culture. People in XYZ who support invading RST may justify their actions based on the perceived benefits, rather than adhering to absolute moral principles of right and wrong.
- Utilitarian Ethics:
- This ethical theory suggests that the best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or utility. The people in XYZ might justify their support for the invasion of RST by believing it will lead to greater overall happiness for themselves, even at the expense of RST’s inhabitants.
- Ethical Egoism:
- This is the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to act in their own self-interest. The support for the PUPUS by people in XYZ might stem from a belief that their self-interest justifies actions that are harmful to others.
- Moral Disengagement:
- A term used to describe the process by which people distance themselves from the ethical implications of their actions. People in XYZ may rationalize their support for the PUPUS and the invasion of RST by dehumanizing the people of RST, minimizing the harm done, or diffusing their responsibility.
- The delusional mentality (A) exhibited by the victims in XYZ is characterized by false consciousness and Stockholm Syndrome.
- The subservience and submissiveness (B) are diagnosed through concepts like learned helplessness, cognitive dissonance, and social dominance orientation.
- The moral and ethical framework (C) of the people in XYZ can be understood through the lenses of moral relativism, utilitarian ethics, ethical egoism, and moral disengagement.
Cheers & Peace