What countries make the most sense Tax Wise for my situaton?

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Hi JAN, thanks for your comments. Even lawyers give contradictory outputs. Country of origin is not Sweden.

Norway then? Norway has a treaty with Qatar, but not UAE.

Estonia... 20% rates on worldwide income, even CGT, unfortunately it doesn't work for me. But indeed is a country that makes you resident due to permanent residence in there.

Estonia in practice has no tax on dividends. So if you have a company in any country, you can receive dividends from that company tax free in Estonia.

I'm looking to cut ties as soon as I get a new tax residency. In the meanwhile, I live in a country without DTA with my country of origin, and family is there, that's why I don't want to live far from my family during 6months.

Having family in that country would usually be a strong tie for tax residency as well.

I don't know the details about Qatar, maybe check out this thread:

But I generally wouldn't be optimistic that it will work if you don't actually spend time there.
Probably your home country will just say you're not actually resident there and reject the TRC, and the other country probably won't do much to protect you either, since there's nothing in it for them, and they don't want to ruin their relationship with the other country. At least that's what I would expect.

Of course some people just give a prepaid card to some student or lover in the low-tax country and tell them to buy coffee with it every day, so they can show receipts to the high-tax country to prove that they really live there. But I wouldn't recommend that - if you get caught, you will be in a lot more trouble than just having to pay the tax...
Thanks for your comments.
I believe if a non revocable TRC is issued, and the TRC is for the purposes of the DTA, this should be enough according to lawyers consulted in my country of origin. Now, does anyone know countries (low or zero tax) issuing TRCs (for the purpose of a specific DTA) to people staying let's say just 30-60 days?

Malta TRP non dom? I have found contradictory information whether you need 183days or no minimum at all. Although if you would need 183days, what would be the purpose of paying 15k minimum, versus de standard non dom being 5k?

Georgia HNWI? Regarding what I have seen in this forum, the TRC seems to be only for local purposes, so not sure if accepted internationally
Qatar? Theoretically you can get it owning a home, but I have not found any real case. confirming.

Anyone sharing some insights on those three?
The first priority is severing residency from Canada which is not an easy thing but is manageable. It involves closing accounts, ending your govt benefits, selling everything while keeping sales receipts, closing businesses, exit tax etc. Search Madan accountant who specializes in that.

I cut ties with the CRA and moved to the Gulf for a year and moved from there. That year really helped me focusing on just cutting ties with CRA. Even if you move to a place where your paying 20%-30% tax, still worth it temporarily just to get the CRA off your worldwide back. So that’s my advice from personal experience is don’t worry so much about where you’re moving, give yourself a year to sever ties with CRA.

Also figure out where you want to move your business offshore which is different from personal residency obviously, but I imagine in your case with e-commerce, you’ll have to be more selective for payment services to be ok with your offshore, maybe US LLC front like everyone mentions but dealing with IRS doesn’t sound fun, still seems like something worth exploring is payment services is important to you.
We used these guys for GRP - they also do our annual tax reporting, have been very good. https://www.ccmalta.com/practice-groups/tax