What bank from serbia have low or zero fee for euro accounts ?


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Aug 6, 2024
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I want to send funds from revolut to a bank in serbia but don't know what is the best with low or zero fee for transfer in euro and to can send it when I need to revolut/zen when I need. I didn't see any bank with card în euro to can top up
OTP Banka and Reifessen can be opened online, and they have lower fees for EUR income transactions, 0.4%, but you should also add the Revolut fee (I have a Revolut business account and there is a fixed fee of 15 EUR),

An example: 5000 € sent, you will pay 5015€ on the Revolut side and receive 4980 € on the OTP account, total fee 35 €.
I'm geting away from OP question.
Those 2 banks and Serbia juridiction : No Crs, no AEOI as off 2025 ?
Doe anyone can confirm no Crs ? Thank's
Why care about CRS. You aren't hiding taxes, are you? But I don't want any fees. The thread is about no fees.
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Reactions: donna4
I'm geting away from OP question.
Those 2 banks and Serbia juridiction : No Crs, no AEOI as off 2025 ?
Doe anyone can confirm no Crs ? Thank's
No CRS, no AEOI, or rather, no automatic data exchange. Of course, data can be provided on request, there is no completely hidden place on the planet.
Nobody opens online if you are not resident in Serbia and have Serbian ID card / passport.

Opens Online complete : Raifeisen and procredit bank.
OTP is just starting that online opening system

So if you do not have Serbian ID and residence, I do not belive it can be opened.
If you don't have serbian residence, don't even try to open one - you will end up with an account that will only work with RSD, and WITHOUT online banking

If you do have serbian residence, you are still best to avoid. If it's a company account (eg preduzetnik) and you receive euros, it needs to be first "shifted" to an internal account and for that you need either an accountant or a weird key thingy that ONLY WORKS ON WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM.

If you have taxes to pay, you will lose a day whilst you run around making physical deposits in a menjacnica. An accountant would be able to help with all this.

Avoid Serbia. It can also take over 6 months to close your company down (during which time your accountant still wants to be paid). Your bank will also refuse to close the account unless you go there in person.
this is not quite correct.

All can be done using your phone and bank app.

Convert EUR to RSD and pay taxes.

I agree with last part where company closure can take a months.

Regarding taxes, you set up "trajni nalog" and everyting is paid automatic, because you get tax calculated 1 year upfront.

But main point is , he must be resident and have serbian docs and address.

Without that, nothing important can be done.
I guess things might have improved in recent years

still, much easier to open / use a bank account in Georgia
You can ask @JohnnyDoe how to sue TeraBank in Georgia.
So can we open a corporate account for seychelles IBC as well in these two banks,also for personal non resident accounts where is the tax coming from?Is it possible to get a multicurrency account for the above two.
So can we open a corporate account for seychelles IBC as well in these two banks,also for personal non resident accounts where is the tax coming from?Is it possible to get a multicurrency account for the above two.
In theory all possible. In practice you will face questions and will waste over week of your time and may end up without account.
Happened with me in Georgia TBC on 2022.Couldn't get it opened there and mind you it was still not CRS compliant then.Yes i agree with you in theory possible not so sure in real terms but worth giving a try i guess.
Yes, and Halyk and TeraBank and, and, and. But we were all lucky and we did not lose money or had to sue them.
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