What are options for tax residency as a digital nomad that never spends more than 3 months in a country?

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Believed you move to a low tax or no-tax jurisdiction like UAE or any Caribbean island. You claim there your tax residency, get a tax certificate and sever all ties with your home country. Tax authorities from your home country give you a clearance certificate (German citizen). Therefore you escaped legally from any tax. Period.

What happens after you get your tax residency?

Could I travel around the world, not working anywhere, not staying more than 183 days (rather not triggering any tax implication) in a country? For example, in Bahamas you need to spend 90 days (even for tax residency), in Cayman Islands 30 days and UAE one day per 180 to keep your residency but not your tax residency.

Will my home country, if I never stay there, ask me ever again for tax filing? How often do they check it? Could I get in trouble again once I prove my center of vital interest in a foreign country?
I have left my home country 25 years ago, first via a few EU countries and ended up in a tax haven. Never ever have my home country or other EU countries questioned where I moved to or try to tax me. I also have no ties. My citizenship country only gets to see where I am in the world when I renew my passport.

Problem with tax heaven is that it is hard to do business, every bank or country thinks you do tax evasion. You are in frowned upon by big banks and forced into dealing with less reputable banks. And every month it is getting harder and harder. Banks don't want to take the risk. But now I am going off-topic here.

Cyprus ticks boxes like 60 days stay for tax residency. But expensive to run company at 4-5K a year, plus full-year rental needed. Benefits are if you pay social security contributions on a let's say minimum wage you get health care and EHIC thrown into it. Taxation (inc social security) runs at about 3-8%, depending on how much divi you can pay yourself that is taxed 2.65%. Being in EU makes a lot of businesses easier to operate from a banking point of view.
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