Ways to result positive on a covid swab test?

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The original wild type virus was the most dangerous. Delta is around 1/3 as lethal.
Ok have we identified a pharmacy / testing center / service provider where one can safely test positive and quarantine in peace?
I got an indication for Bulgaria but it's a bit too far and to undergo travel just for a trivial matter like that I would not know how to justify...
People on this forum uproot to open corporate entities in UAE through which funnel tens if not hundreds of M$... ... travelling far just for a covid test seems a total nonsense, no?
where is the isolated picture of the virus ?

No arguments so insults coming?
This debate never goes anywhere because the field of virology has very loose definitions and those within the field can't agree on what it means.

Depending on your definition of isolation (and people in the field seem to use them interchangeably), no virus in history has ever been isolated. So it is all semantics.

I think the more interesting debate is the following question: Is there proof that SARS COV 2 causes the disease COVID 19?
Sorry but an isolated picture of a virus or bacteria is scientific standard.
The defenitions are very clear.I'm not understand what you talk about.
Also you claim no virus has in history being isolated is simple not true.

But still you are free to explain how you know there are mutations if you don't even know how the orginal looks like
I agree in a way, but the problem is the definitions that virologists use.

According to some virologists, covid 19 has been isolated.
According to other viorologists, covid 19 has not been isolated.
According to some virologists, no virus in the history of the world has ever been isolated because they don't believe viruses exist or cause disease.

While the dictionary definition of isolate is clear. The definitions within virology are not very clear at all. If you ask 10 virologists, you'd likely get 5 or 6 different answers. There is a famous clip of somebody being asked about isolates in a documentary a few years ago which highlights what I mean. Virology is a gatekept profession.

Watch from 4 minutes: The Truth About Virus Isolation

The field is full of nonsense.

The real question is - does Sars Cov 2 cause the disease COVID 19?

You don't need to isolate a virus to do genomic sequence btw for variants. You just a sample from a person who has developed the disease COVID 19, and compare it to previous genomic sequences. Like I say though, this it isn’t evidence for an infection or even that there is a virus.

we can’t predict functional change by just sequencing a viral genome.
Viruses have been isolated.
Just not viruses like
Sars COV2
Omnicron etc

How do you do genomic sequence of a virus you don't have ?Would you have a virus you would have an isolated picture.
How does it come that PCR is working for all variants or do you see any change in testing ?

Sorry but the issue is the topic is very fresh to you.
People expecially in the HIV field fought a long time claiming there is no HIV Virus but Aids being caused by immunologie failure which when you look at the AIDS patient and their backgrounds makes fully sense

The genomic sequence is the sequence of the virus they have. It has a unique code not seen in other sequences in the databank. It does not mean the virus causes disease, that it has been isolated or that the sequence doesn't exist elsewhere in the wild. Although in this case it doesn't exist elsewhere because it was lab-produced, how else can you get a 19nt sequence from a Moderna patent and splice it into a furin cleavage site that has never existed on coronaviruses before? I guess you might know, seeing as though this topic is not fresh for you.

As for variants (wrong term, they are strains), the PCR test has 4 primers. Previous strains still hit all 4 primers. Omicron 'cases' were identified due to s-gene dropout on the PCR because it's mutated heavily. To be truly confirmed as omicron they then need sequencing.

People have not fought heavily that there is no HIV virus, they have fought heavily for the following: HIV does not cause aids. Which is a valid theory.
The genomic sequence is the sequence of the virus they have.
Don't you get your mistake ?
If they have the virus then where is the isolated picture.
So you have a virus can see it and it sequences but you can't make a picture ?

HIV does not cause aids. Which is a valid theory.
This is wrong.HIV tests tested for antigens.........there was never any proof that the HIV Virus ever existed.
They just claimed if you have a high amount of xy antigen you have positiv result on HIV Virus.
Which explanation is garbage since many antigens are produced when your immuology is fucked up for many reasons like drugs and it has nothing to do with a VIRUS.
They have a sequence of part of a virus that they believe belongs to SARS COV 2. Ie was taken from a person who developed symptoms of COVID 19.

This was then sequenced, and checked against a data bank. They aren't sequencing the whole, purified virus. The question is not if it exists, it's whether it causes disease. Which is the whole debate around HIV and germ theory + terrain theory.
Actually, Brazilian and Delta the worst cases that I saw, even for young people.
What do Brazilian and Delta look like? Is Brazilian one more scary than Turkish, Somali, Mongolian, Goianian or Malaysian ones?

Young person may not be equal to a healthy person, by the way

How does one play or don't play with a specific variant? What does "play with" mean?

So you want to go hunt for omicron specifically? And inhale only particles of it and not of any other variant? What if they get mixed, will you scream at a wrong variant: "get the f@@@ out my body -- I'm waiting for Omicron! Not for you!!" ?!
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What do Brazilian and Delta look like? Is Brazilian one more scary than Turkish, Somali, Mongolian, Goianian or Malaysian ones?
Variants are mutations of the original virus and get different capacity in terms of spreading velocity or “sickness”; in the case of Latin America came up a “Brazilian” variant (they initially took the name of the country where the variant was initially isolated, they later changed to Greek alphabet to make the Indian government happy), and this variant took a lot of lives here.
Young person may not be equal to a healthy person, by the way
Yeah, but two of mine developers, young persons w/o any kind of previous problems, got really sick and one of them with less than 70% of oxygenation had to fight for his life. If you think coronavirus is just another flu, you are wrong, that’s the kind of mentality why I prefer call myself “un-vaxxed” than “no-vax”.
Wait! I am not the person who wants to contaminate himself, read better this thread!
of them with less than 70% of oxygenation had to fight for his life
sounds like he has been vaxxed and has graphene oxid in his body
It would be amazing if you create a separated discussion to speak about conspiracies, graphene and your personal opinion

This topic is about cheating antigen tests and you're making people lose their time reading your personal opinions on covid stuff. Here is the thing: nobody cares. Specially on this unrelated thread. We don't care if its a lab virus, it has 5g, or its been isolated as none of those things have an impact on making a test positive on purpose.

So, to comeback to the topic of the thread, not sure if lemon would make it positive as the liquid of the tests acts like a buffer for acidity, however it might work, or you could try to use stronger acid.

Would be nice to have facts from somebody that has already tried it or that has some ideas on how to try to make it positive.
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