Victim of BLUE ORANGE BANK stay away from this bank

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I have heard this story way too many times from many European banks ... not to mention EMIs.

You can sue them, yes, but it will take time and money. The best option is to get EU bank account ASAP and just send them to hell. Contant a professional Agent who can secure EU account. It will take time, but it is possible for HK company.
"""" this and so should everyone else about keeping nearly 7 figures in any Latvian or eastern European bank - there is no rule of law out there. Search the forum for "Latvia" and my name as author and you will see my feelings"""

Are u for real man ?
I have a multiple accounts all over Eastern Europe. NO issues at all ever. All banks are super professional.
U talk a lot of trash dude without any reasonable explanation ...ppfffff
Ahh there have been to many stories to believe that Estonia is that secure as you try to draw the picture of it!! No one should at any point ever trust Estonia, Latvia nor any of the other non high regulated countries. Even High Regulated countries and their banks can get troubles. Spread your investments that's important.
If Estonia is not a highly regulated country, I am not sure who is?
Reactions: EUman

I think u did not got the point.......Not talking about Estonia..Latvia...Never open account there. No need to.
Bulgaria , Romania, just fine for me.

Good evening, I ha

Good evening, I have the same problem with BO. Have you had any progress in your situation? In my case, Not only did the bank put the frozen funds into the hands of the FIU, but also into the hands of the "Latvian State Police Kurzeme region Criminal Department." The strange thing is that there are no documents to prove the latter.

Thanks in advance.
Yes it would be great to read about how this all ended almost a half year later.

Hi Marc, would it be possible to share your lawyer contacts?
My lawyer is looking to find a lawyer in Latvia to follow the case. Any help is welcome.
About your client situation, may I ask how the situation ended?
Hey Gerunuk, just gave you the contact in private, they got their money back, every case is reviewed individually and it's a different story for those who can't say nothing about the origin of their funds.
Reactions: aage
Hi guys sorry for the late reply. Well i couldnt get the money back yet. It is not a problem with the case which is also now in the Latvian State Police Kurzeme region Criminal Department. I must say that most of our cases are just stats for Latvia to avoid being listed in the grey or black list we are victims they use to show the world they are fighting against money laundering. Until the date i havent been accused of anything just they say suspicious transactions but dont mention which ones. I am currently in close contact with the investigator trying to solve the case by myself and with my usual lawyers in my country because i must say be very careful with lawyers in this country. I fired 2 lawyers until now they are doing a great business with us and mostly take the money, promess quick solutions and finally they do the same you could do with any regular lawyer and it is to give the documentation to the police translated and nothing more. If you have an online advertising company as i have it is even more difficult because the police doesnt understand anything about this kind of businesses. I must say that, at least until the date, the investigator i am talking to is trying to collaborate with me and helping. I am currently looking for a new lawyer because once the investigator close the case you need a lawyer to do the regular work with the prosecutor etc.. until you get the money back again. Maybe i have had bad luck but this is my history until now hopefully you guys dont have the same problems and find a good lawyer even if you have found a good one with experience please share his name with me. Thanks.
martin is absolutely perfect... not good for you, but simply the REALITY - i will never understand why anybody can have any connection to eastern europe or caribbean banks... happy that we just were able to "safe" a balance for a client he held at hermes bank, another funny financial institution... based on st. vincent & the grenadines... quite a "reputable jurisdiction"... super-lol

had a personal experience with the highly promoted "e-citizenship" offering access to unlimited business opportunities and chances to proof of "economic substance" within the eu etc.

well... even travelled to londo to become "inspected" at the relevant embassy and getting my "e-citizenship"-kit...

good or bad? - simply not useable... not a simple local bank offered the opening and management of a company bank account without "physical presence" within the jurisdiction... and "pseudo"-banks like holvi etc. didn't react fully within the timelimit set (several weeks!)

by the way... the "hermes money" finally was transferred - i assume because of lack of correpondent bank(s) - through a baltic state resident e-money service provider... extremely thankful that our swiss bank accepted the transfer and credited the amount on the account of our swiss collection company

hope you will finally get your money back... or at least "learnt the lesson"

Thanks for your update. I’m preparing my defense with a local lawyer. I will keep you posted.