USA: land of the (not) free?

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I personly also disagree on gun control.It makes the transformation for them way more difficult.
However i agree on the violance we see now in the US but this is caused by TV and social groups like BLM .
TV's showing young kids that being a small criminalist is being cool and that they are the good ones.
In reality it creates a lot of prisoners for small crime which are the cheapest workers you can get in the world.
So there is a big interest of high amount of prisoners as they work for nearly free.

Owning a gun was not only for protection which in the 80's and 90's were not needed but to hold government in control.
A gun changes the attitude of your enemies like healthcare people who want to force vax you for example drasticly
I lived in west europe and north america so I can compare, I could be killed two times in west europe with zero right to defend myself and no justice. It never happend to me in north america because you can still find safe place, actually i am not armed when I walk in the streets in america but i am in western europe.

In my opinion If you choose to live in atlanta or chicago then you come to cry that it's not safe, it's just called natural selection, also for exemple murder in montana are very low,
I talk because I know the places I'm talking about, I don't go out of sensational articles to support my words. Just my real life and experience.
Citing "The Atlantic"? If you do not know, The Atlantic is the most socialist mainstream American magazine in the U.S. You literally cannot believe anything that it publishes. In fact, someone just wrote an expose about The Atlantic about a week ago, explaining its history and how it was purchased by a billionaire socialist in 2017 and then transformed into an anti-American socialist attack machine.

I usually do not attack a source, only bad information. But in this case, I can do so without any remorse.

It never happend to me in north america because you can still find safe place, actually i am not armed when I walk in the streets in america but i am in western europe.
Agreed. I seldom go armed in the U.S., unless I must travel to a bad area (which is what happened in that incident that I recounted), but I always carry some type of weapon while traveling internationally, especially to Latin America. I usually carry a steel pen. They do not get flagged at airports and they are also useful for writing.

Depending on what I think I can get away with, it could be a tactical pen or just an ordinary pen with a solid steel tube. Mostly, I carry because I am unfamiliar with all the areas of a big city. Obviously, I research bad areas before my trip and I do my best to stay out of them, but sometimes stuff happens. I also know the statistics: most parts of the world are more dangerous than 99% of the U.S.
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Much better source. This article explains the reasoning:

Life expectancy in the U.S. did indeed decline during the COVID era. In fact, deaths rose by 40% amongst younger people. There was actually one week last year where more people in the U.S. died in the wake of receiving a vaccine shot than who died from COVID itself. This was determined by using the federal government's very own statistics. But such deaths also happened on a worldwide basis as stupid people continue to take the vaccine shots and additional "boosters," which are actually just additional vaccine shots. The bad health effects are likely cumulative, so matters will only get worse as the herd gets culled.

Yes, the U.S. is now beginning to rival Europe in terms of overt control by socialist technocrats, at least in regard to health care. At least in the U.S., this issue is now at a tipping point and might tip toward freedom. Meanwhile, Europe has been ruled by socialist technocrats for decades and anti-EU parties are still in the minority.
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The abrupt fall is "basically catastrophic," said Mark Hayward, a University of Texas sociology professor who studies changes in U.S. mortality.

Killers other than COVID-19 played a role. Drug overdoses pushed life expectancy down, particularly for whites. And rising homicides were a small but significant reason for the decline for Black Americans, said Elizabeth Arias, the report's lead author.

Other problems affected Black and Hispanic people, including lack of access to quality health care, more crowded living conditions, and a greater share of the population in lower-paying jobs that required them to keep working when the pandemic was at its worst, experts said.

Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years a baby born in a given year might expect to live. It’s an important statistical snapshot of a country’s health that can be influenced both by sustained trends such as obesity as well as more temporary threats like pandemics or war that might not endanger those newborns in their lifetimes.

For decades, U.S. life expectancy was on the upswing. But that trend stalled in 2015, for several years, before hitting 78 years, 10 months in 2019. Last year, the CDC said, it dropped to about 77 years, 4 months.
That is exactly why I posted that scientific paper, establishing that mass shootings and murders are actually lower in the U.S.

Lower than what first world country? Give me facts my friend? Don't debate with no facts just name a few first world countries please or rest your

Plenty of countries enjoy these freedoms without needing to have a gun. If you need a gun to be free then your not really free are you .

But in the U.S., men do not need to stand by impotently while groups of men invade their homes and gang rape their wives and daughters. Good luck trying to stop such an attack while barehanded.

So this happens in America the land of the free your saying?

A gun changes the attitude of your enemies like healthcare people who want to force vax you for example drasticly

I agree with some of what you say. But come on now
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my personal opinion is that the missuse of guns in the US is mainly being caused by brainwashing via TV lowering the border to use guns.Attracting people to be small criminals.
There was a nice article in the past which confirmed that the music industry is reasing small criminalist on purpose as one of their hidden main sponsors are prisons (free work force).
I agree there were also in the past misuse of guns but not to that extent and only in bad areas and also the society was totaly diffrent than todays one.
I can't say i feeled unsafe in the US in the end of the 90's .The only shock i had was the big amount of black people which looking in european tv diffrently.

However i agree that the right to own guns its a tool to protect against corrupt governments.
Lets see for example germany.Till today germany has no real government.
They have no constitution and are still under US control.
The government is basicly facist hiding behind communism and people can't do s**t even they try hard for over 30 years to get themself an own constitution back.
What happens when you get active ?You get visits by police force and are fined to death.
We call germany a tier 1 country high democratic but to get independant and see how quickly you will see the ugly facist face.
The most funny thing is that even other countries doesn't recognise arrest warrants from german courts.
Such a high stand they have there.
P.S I am off to walk down the street now without needing to carry a gun for my protection. Have a good evening
There are streets in Bahamas?

This can happen in some African shithole?
And if it can happen in US then it's also a shithole - just first world one...

If you have to defend your freedom with a gun or need a carry a gun to protect yourself - then IMO you're not free.

However i agree that the right to own guns its a tool to protect against corrupt governments.
Dude, LOL
And that's how you end up in jail and become stats...

Lets see for example germany.
Dude, I as a foreigner, have walked to darkest corners of Berlin without a gun and never felt unsafe.

The most funny thing is that even other countries doesn't recognise arrest warrants from german courts.
I guess you made this up or read it on Fox news LOL
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learn to read.
I wrote clearly germans citizens are trying to get rid of the US but have no power because the state has the monopol of force.
I never wrote in germany/berlin its unsafe

The most funny thing is that even other countries doesn't recognise arrest warrants from german courts.
If you have no clue i would be silent instead of giving my indoctrinated garbage out
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Just like in many “progressive utopias,” crime in France is on the rise. Last week, four robbers broke into the home of a 35-year-old farmer in the French village of Longre. The man was with his three-year-old daughter at the time. Concerned for his daughter’s safety, he fired a rifle at the trespassers, killing one of them. The father has now been indicted for murder. Let us pray that the judge is sane, even if the prosecutors are not.

Reacting to the news, French President Macron said he is “opposed to self-defense” because “otherwise it becomes the Wild West.” He said he did not want a country where “it's up to the citizens to defend themselves." Apparently this father was supposed to permit the criminals who entered his house to do whatever they wanted to his home and family.
If you have socialist retards in charge of your country, then you need firearms to defend both your family and your freedom. When liberal retards, such as Macron, give up their own bodyguards and their guns, only then will they have the moral authority to teach the rest of us how to live our lives and defend our families.
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Absolutely insane that we live in a world in which the vast majority of the strongest and 'most developed' nations have laws that severely punish you for protecting your family from physical violence in your OWN home. There shouldn't even be a discussion about this, you would think it's common sense. Maybe we are just slightly advanced monkeys after all.
news to push le pen forward to destroy the EU
Are they of any help? Is it something that could realistically help you out of a tough spot?
It is like anything else in life. If you plan and practice, of course it can help. But not preparing is preparing to fail.

Know the bad neighborhoods and stay out of them, be aware of your surroundings, mount an immediate defense and counterattack -- but only long enough to escape. The whole plan for real life self-defense is not to stay and win a fight, but to surprise your attacker long yourself so that you may escape from the area.

But it is also highly fact-specific. If it is very obvious they just want your money and will otherwise leave you alone, just give them the cash. It is not worth the risk of injury or having to injure someone else.
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That's the most troubling thing in the news. On the other hand, perhaps it needs to get worse, before it can get better.
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