US LLC + live in Thailand

In reality nobody cares but if you want to do things by the book you need to hire a manager in a tax free jurisdiction so that it appears that the work is done from there.
How having someone outside Thailand managing your LLC will clear you from potential issue with Thai authority?

Unless US IRS send LLC information to your country of residence tax authority (do they?), the only way you could get in trouble is because Thai Immigration suspects with proof that you are working illegally from Thailand (unlikely).
Then, they could forward info to the Revenue Department (very unlikely).

Showing them your LLC is managed offshore won't save you from issues and penalties.
Look at the polls, people in Scandinavian countries are the "Happiest in the world, by all polls!" despite being taxed up to 72% total at some circumstances (Denmark ), but they're always the happiest in the world .
I think the suicide rates for the happiest countries in the world have something to say, the polls are as fake as they can be.
Are you saying you can't open an LLC account or just a personal one in the US? What are people normally using for US LLCs? I heard of Mercury, I assume Wise is also useable (I know it gets a lot of negative publicity here but I've been using it for year and had no issues. Never stored very large amounts though).
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The only way you could get in trouble is because Thai Immigration suspects with proof that you are working illegally from Thailand
How having someone outside Thailand managing your LLC will clear you from potential issue with Thai authority?

If the only way you could get in trouble is because Thai immigration suspect that you are working illegaly from Thailand having a managing director outside Thailand that, at least on paper, runs the show it makes you appear like a passive investor.
What about the bank accounts? Are they difficult to get for an LLC without a real US address (address from registered agent package)? I thought bank accounts were simple to get for US companies but a previous post suggested otherwise.
Hire a manager in a cheap country and force him to use screen recording all day. Case closed.
My point is in Thailand you could fall because they first suspect you to work illegally (cases can be found), not for tax evasion managing (establishing PE) your LLC (no case found). Showing records of your LLC manager working abroad won't be of any help if they somehow suspect you working.
My point is in Thailand you could fall because they first suspect you to work illegally

Unless you go out and brag in Chiang Mai's night market about how you are making millions from your laptop then I don't see how Thais could know what you are doing.

(cases can be found)

How many cases we are talking about and how those cases came about?
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Unless you go out and brag in Chiang Mai's night market about how you are making millions from your laptop then I don't see how Thais could know what you are doing.

How many cases we are talking about and how those cases came about?
I don't think it's an issue many have been working from there for years.
There was the case of the english teacher who was teaching online from Thailand and got reported by his neighbour but I assume there must have been more to the story, many condo complexes have coworking spaces, lots of foreigners work there and no one complains about that.

Have an EOR hire you, they will give you a proper residency visa with a work permit. Problem solved.
Yes depending on situation. Its better to start with a work permit and move to elite later when everything is outsourced. I can provide the court ten thousands of logs for work that’s done abroad by others but I am pretty sure that I never need it. You can record even there faces.

Just use your knowledge and let the work for others.

Thailand earns a lot from foreigners. They can’t go too badly.

If Thailand goes this way thousands of people will leave immediately if media picks up. Co working spaces everywhere full of coders, bloggers ect who doing border runs all the time. They don’t think even about this. Same for so many travel youtubers. As long as you don’t have Thai clients it wasn’t never a problem what I understood.
Unless you go out and brag in Chiang Mai's night market about how you are making millions from your laptop then I don't see how Thais could know what you are doing.
How many cases we are talking about and how those cases came about?
If you keep low profile there is no enforcement, and if ever caught you can easily get by with a small fee/bribe.

That is why the extra offshore LLC manager layer is unnecessary in Thailand.
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If you are not working for the company you wouldn't need access to the logs.

Just put a manager in and a board and be a shareholder getting dividends... every now and again.

Very doubtful, they will remain, and they will pretend or think they are smarter.

Just like they are with the new remittance tax.
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no it is possible for both, but when my friend from SA tried to make personal during his 2 week vacation (the goal of the vacation was to make bank account for easier dealing with his customers on freelance websites, he's a 3D artist) they asked him for local US address proof and denied opening account, he tried 3-4 different banks which we chose after some research as the 'foreigner friendly banks' (ones that do open accounts to visitors, by reports from other people) but no luck. he had to have a local address proof (water bill / phone bill / etc' with his name on it and local US address and zip code). So that's just something to keep in mind (and it was like last year October or smth, so most likely it's the case today as well, those things don't change quickly in US). You can buy a sim card and register to your friend address or even some airbnb but you'll need to wait about 30-40 days for the 'bill' to arrive (well, bill or statement, the monthly invoice letter), and it's kinda fraud as well since it's not your real address but I think is not a big deal, since the banks simply want to check a box and are happy for more customers afaik. But yeah, it was more complicated than we thought. For LLC account, it's possibly different, so need to call and ask, to be on a safe side. I have Chase, BoA, Schwab (for the travel card, it refunds abroad ATM fees automatically), Mercury. Two personal and two for LLC. Kinda scary that small US banks can go bankrupt so for large funds to keep in account it's best to go to Chase, BoA, Wells Fargo, I guess, because they're largest most stable one, maybe Citibank too, don't remember their total AUM but one of the biggest too, less likely to get bankrupt (I guess?). Wise for LLC works well, but I never moved around more than like 5k-10k inside it, so won't say about large sums. A bit scary, I wouldn't trust them with anything above 'what im ready
I think Thais are actually very smart, they know perfectly well about all the farangs working from laptop and so on, but they balance nicely between the "earn your money from abroad and use it here locally no questions asked" and "give us some tax money in addition to spending it locally". And the remittance based tax is perfect example of how smart they are in managing the fragile balance of taxing foreigners and at the same time not driving them away. Because having people 'working illegally but not in local businesses' (all remote worker farangs, whether freelancers or full timers from Google/Apple/IBM/etc who happily never get back to office after covid) is still profitable for economy by syphoning cash from other countries into Thailand, basically 'exporting' various local services and goods 'abroad' through a dude who consume it all locally but technically is someone that it was exported to . The only problem they care about is taking local work places, so as long as local jobs are not occupied by foreigner they're good with that. For the biggest fish - remittance tax will probably be enforced, and audits will happen etc' but as I know how Thai systems work - the audit and everything will happen only when you come knocking at their door asking some questions or doing documents / purchases / getting stamps / something that you need from the government for various activities and during the 'give me some papers I need for XYZ' they'll stick the "aha, where's the money from" or something to you, and then the audit / fine / jail ( ) will follow, depends on severity.
That's just my 2cents (from experience of living in Thailand a few years back in 2011-2013 and 2021-2023 recently). IMHO best to follow the rules in each country - because one day you'll need to buy or sell or register something and the paper trail (or a "missing trail") will cause trouble and one wouldn't know how to explain this and that. And aaaaalll countries are getting digitalized and biometricalized, etc' so there'll be no escape from doing things the legal way, soon, and it's better to prepare being crystal clear in all aspects of historical paperwork and taxation. Someone who is itching to pay as little tax as possible, would be better to pick a jurisdiction of low tax and pay it there, unless 0% setup is possible, but those 0% setups are for bigger fish than nomads, since the setup itself will often cost more than the 10-15% tax you'd pay in various countries.
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This may not be a good idea as it could lead to piercing of the corporate veil, meaning you may lose the limited liability that the LLC would otherwise offer:
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Probably no matter where the clients are based if you get sued?

Usually US clients sue US companies because it's a US common practice to wake up and sue anyone before breakfast (I learned this from TV shows so it must be true LOL).

US it's a very litigious society.

EU clients are much less litigious, they will not get involved in any legal action in US unless we are talking about fraud or something like that.

If he is not a con artist the risk is nearly zero.
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