US dollar hegemony starts to crumble

Absolutely no China no USA
They are like married couples who want to divorce but can't because of children

Not true. Media will want you to believe this but things have moved US made up only around 17% of China's total exports in 2022. Asia and Africa accounted for over 50% of China's exports alone.

Now with BRI, China's export markets will become even more diversified and with some bypassing of the dollar in bilateral trade going forward there is very little US can do unfortunately.
Reactions: FantomOffshore
Let's look at this rationally, with logic, and devoid of emotions. Most of those stocks listed above depend on MOST countries to prosper. For example, KO earns 80% of its income from "overseas". Home being the USA, of course. Now, having said that...let's look at this WITHOUT Blinkers (on a horse; also called blinders):

(1) If you are currently making lots of money with TEAM West dealing with Euro and dollars and you have NO way or opportunities to earn money with Team East, why would you look, entertain, or even want to know about Team East? If I were on Team West, I ONLY want to hear and read things that confirm that I am right and that Team West is winning and Team East is losing. Confirmation bias is one Hell of a drug.

(2) If you are currently making lots of money with TEAM East dealing with RMB, Real, Ruble, Rupees, and Rands and you have NO way or opportunities to earn money with Team West, why would you look, entertain, or even want to know about Team West? If I were on Team East, I ONLY want to hear and read things that confirm that I am right and that Team East is winning and Team West is losing. Confirmation bias is one Hell of a drug.

(3) If you currently have a stake in TEAM West *and* Team East, dealing with Euro, dollars, RMB, Real, Ruble, Rupees, and Rands, (Think AAPL, MSFT, KO, SAOC, LVMH, etc.) you are focused on making sure both teams prosper as you are trying to increase or at least preserve your wealth. You are forced to look at both sides and make sure that you hedge your bets to avoid any foreseeable disaster. You aren't praying for one side to fail. That would be like playing Russian Roulette (no pun intended for the easily-triggered folks ) with a loaded barrel!

If I own the

  1. stadium,
  2. the football (the ball itself),
  3. the cleats,
  4. the rights to televise the match,
  5. the clothing company that supplies the uniforms,
  6. the drinks (the bottled-water company, Gatorade, etc.
  7. The food stands in the stadium
  8. the rights to charge companies to advertise during the match
  9. etc., etc.,
Why in God's name do I care which team wins? Or which fans are right? I'm going to earn money with BOTH teams and both groups of fans! I would have been completely delusional and hallucinating if I didn't understand that BOTH teams are inextricably intertwined.

Below is a photo I took now to (try ) to bring some logic and inculcate some uncommon sense into this discussion.

I'm even rooting for Venezuela to have a PROFITABLE year! I want Venezuelans to place orders from me. I want Americans to place orders from me. I want Taiwanese to place orders from me. I want Honkongers to place orders from me. I want Jamaicans to place orders from me. I want Europeans to place orders from me. Ad infinitum...
Why would I want one of my OWN clients or suppliers that I profit from to have a bad year? Like WTF???!!!

Questions for those who exclusively believe their side is correct:

  • If you are "exclusively" Team West and e.g. a non-sanctioned Chinese company wants your services or products and is willing to pay you upfront ¥100 Million a year, will you reject it because you are on Team West?

  • If you are "exclusively" Team East and an American company wants your services or products and is willing to pay you upfront US$ 15 Million a year, will you reject it because you are on Team East?

What am I missing here???
You are always looking at every matter from your own perspective, like China is paradise for you, but for me is a no go.
Why because I look at it from investment perspective.
I like the fact that diversity is key in investment but I rather invest in the West with combo of (US, Germany, France) than East.
Historical performance of western companies is indicator for me.
To answer your question, it would be a pleasure for me to deal with non sanctioned companies worldwide.
I mean I'm not anti East, I just prefer to bet on West from economical point of view.
Reactions: FantomOffshore
You are always looking at every matter from your own perspective, like China is paradise for you
+60% of my suppliers are from the West (North America & Europe) vis-à-vis products I sell to the East (China, Russia (if one considers them East) etc)
+85% of my buyers are from the West vis-à-vis products I procure in the East.

I just prefer to bet on West from economical point of view.
100% this! You are 100% correct here. Stick to what you know! Remain in YOUR circle of competence! Just be aware that wishing that the East goes down WILL affect your earnings!
Reactions: uranium
"Just be aware that wishing that the East goes down WILL affect your earnings!"
I wish everyone the best because the whole world is connected.
Ukraine war lead to disturbance of supplies for grain and we all suffered.
These days new covid strain started to worry me and let's hope for the best.
Reactions: jafo
@jafo Don't assume this is some kind of team sport. Nobody is wishing for anything here. Some parts of the global economy are zero-sum, some are not. What your are missing is that some might care more about being right and defusing propagana and lies than making the most money. Or are simply annoyed by untruths floating around the internet, or have some other kind of ideological motivation. Not everyone on this forum is a supplier procuring products from the East and selling it to the West and vice versa.

Don't assume, someone once told me it makes and a*s out of u and me. The fact that you think this is about West vs East tells more about yourself than about others in this thread.
Maybe some have been extra drawn to this forum for being interested in libertarian / liberal or conservative philosophy. Countries like China flatly oppose everything in those philosophies.

Remain in YOUR circle of competence!
Yes, please keep out if you have nothing to add beyond your approximations of why others write the things they do. I have multiple Chinese in my family, my family did business with China for decades and here you are assuming once again that everyone posting anything pro-West knows next to nothing about China, and that you the travelling salesman, will explain exactly why they are so wrong.

Let's look at this rationally, with logic, and devoid of emotions.
Your sports contest example is the exact opposite. It says everything of how you think people in the West view Asia, which is nothing more than a cliché. In my personal experience every single Indian I met was a massive hater of the UK and the West blaming the West for all their economic woes and everything wrong in their country. You can almost smell the revanchist thought of their breath.

It's also Chinese leaders who keep referring to the opioid crisis and are not regulating fentaly exports as harsh as they could be. I think your sports team worldview is far more prevalent in the East than in the West actually, maybe the US is an exception.

Why would I want one of my OWN clients or suppliers that I profit from to have a bad year?
Are you assuming that others here want that and juxtaposing it with your worldly benevolence?

Why would I want one of my OWN clients or suppliers that I profit from to have a bad year?
It does happen that certain companies have competitors that they do not want to have a good year. Your probably have competitors too, the world is not one big chocolate factory where there is enough for everyone and everybody has everything they want.

The question also is for some, especially those with certain views of liberty or that believe in say the philosophy of Locke, whether they want a supply-chain or major sector owned by a country like China with a social credit score system. You will probably say that's all made-up but still, maybe that is what you're missing.
If you are monetizing and making bank vis-à-vis all these things you wrote then you are 100% correct! I can't argue with success!
Reactions: FantomOffshore
Let's just say that I am happy I can voice my true opinion about China on this forum, that way I don't have to do it in the real world. I doubt it would be good for business!
I don't doubt your views on China from your perspective.

In the last +30 years, to me (personally), China has been that hot redhead fitness girlfriend who cooks, cleans, outsells everyone else, and picks up other hotter girls and brings them home for me. Doesn't steal from me. Doesn't even try. Doesn't restrict me (e.g. sanctions me) from banging the blonde, the brunette, etc.

I can't say anything bad about China, from my perspective, but I do know a LOT of other businessmen in many countries that just don't get along with "other" races/countries, etc., including but not limited to China.

The ONLY reason I thrive is because of this "division" between East & West. If East & West got along with each other, I'd starve to death.

I am aware & understand that others have differing views and experiences. I am just starting MY experiences and my worldview. It works wonders for me.
Reactions: uranium
nice stash of toilet paper
Reactions: jafo
I can't say anything bad about China, from my perspective, but I do know a LOT of other businessmen in many countries that just don't get along with "other" races/countries, etc., including but not limited to China.
So what you are saying is that you can not say anything bad about China because you get along with other races / countries and implying that the other businessmen you know, who do not get along with China, are not able to do so because they are racist?

I guess China is nice as long as it is nice. I've heard stories of business contacts kids dissappearing. First-hand. Of course if you try your hardest to only speak good of China and close your eyes to the bad then it's a wonderful place. Which is easy if you don't know anyone personally who had something bad happen to them.

Any place is good if you reap the benefits, Germany was a nice place as an SS-soldier too. It was amazing for industrials too with all the cheap labour hence the many companies that grew large and are still massive.

The things you say here about China are just not really indicative of the country as a whole as they can be said about any place by anyone who is doing very well there. It's basically just you telling us how great you are doing over there over and over again and you seem to like to think that that's indicative of the state of China in any way when it's really just anecdotes.

As you may have noticed I have tried not telling a single personal experience as I don't think it's worth much in a discussion like this.
As you may have noticed I have tried not telling a single personal experience as I don't think it's worth much in a discussion like this.
I've been in court several times (only very few as the defendant or plaintiff ) . Anything other than my point of view is considered "hearsay"

So what you are saying is that you can not say anything bad about China
No! What it means is best said by Warren Buffett in the video.
I follow the rules of men who are PROVEN to be MUCH MUCH BETTER than me. Men who are infinitely smarter and BETTER than me as a human being:
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