US dollar hegemony starts to crumble

None of your quotes are credible to me. What others interpret or report on what Buffett or others say is just hogwash to me.

This is how this argument started. "None of your quotes are credible to me" as a reaction to literal quotes by Buffet. There are many exemptions to a 13F, nobody is going to list all of them here. If Buffet said that he sold BYD for geopolitical reasons, there is no doubt that he did actually sell BYD. End of argument.
Reactions: jafo
It's once again, not an assumption when I am drawing from things YOU said and posts YOU made. You waste your time writing made-up stories about yourself on this forum.
Where did I write I went to school in the Netherlands or lived in the Netherlands?

PS. Let me share a canon of interpretation before you embark on a fruitless journey:
Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est.
Nothing is to be added to what the text states or reasonably implies. That is, a matter NOT COVERED, is to be treated as NOT covered. The interpreter must NOT read by way of creation, policy preferences, or politics. It is NOT his function or within his power to change, enlarge or even improve the text. The search for what the drafter "would have wanted" is invariably either a deception or a delusion.
Reactions: Alonzo and jafo
The fact that you don't know the difference between a quote without proper credible citation and Warren explaining things on video shocks the living bejesus out of me. You do you! Invest ALL you want in any currency you want. Good luck!
Again, you made a HUGE assumption! A S S - U - M E
Do you think retired Dutch judges ONLY live in the Netherlands?
Do you think the Netherlands is the ONLY place that has VWO?

I'm out! Look up Hasty Generalizations fallacy: The Fallacy of 'Hasty Generalizations,’ Explained

Good luck! I'm out!

You're a bullshitter, plain and simple. Goodbye!
Look up also Jumping to conclusions fallacy!

Just admit that you saw retired Dutch and VWO and you ASSUMED the Netherlands. We ALL make mistakes! Some of us, more than others!

Be a man and own up to it!

I can be of at least 7 other countries (former Dutch colonies). How do you like THEM apples now? Are you going to apologize? Your reputation on this forum is at stake!
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You mean the person who starting speaking Dutch to me, send me an article from the leading Dutch newspaper, went to VWO, had a subsidized University degree from the EU and had a retired Dutch judge as neighbour? Which country could this be! Keep bullshitting. Keep shitting on the institution that bought your education and gave you the opportunity to become who you are and most importantly, don't ever stop being a hypocrite!

Hey, I am just being honest here:

Reactions: jafo
This one

Next time, don't jump to conclusions....sweetcheeks! Go back and look. It's over a month ago!

What happened? Cat got your tongue?

Damn!!! This must hurt being so wrong. How do you feel, man? Are you OK? Get to a hospital as fast as you can. Your ego has been severely wounded! You may need an ego transfusion
Reactions: FantomOffshore
Haha, all good. I personally don't live in The Netherlands. But I wonder which colony you did delivery of Chinese-Indonesian food, since that was so insanely ubiquitous in your day and age in The Netherlands themselves. That was the trigger, not the VWO. I thought they only ate rice and babi pangang in the colonies?

This is not about ego, I have been into these type of arguments in online fora from a very young age. They keep me fresh and sharp at almost no personal cost apart from time that might be better spend ;-).
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Reactions: jafo
It's all good, brother!
It was really just Cantonese Chinese food. The owner also had a VHS and Betamax video store next door full of Chinese (HK) movies. After dinner time, I delivered food and movies to people's homes. A perk, we got to watch Enter the Dragon and Silver Fox and Drunken Master in Chinese. A child learns quickly.

I needed money, so I worked a lot. I did every job I could get my hands on. Our family was poor. They were immigrants. C'est la vie.

A lot of wealthy European retired scholars moved there. It was safe and they could afford gated communities on the beach! Rich French, Germans, Dutch, Brits, Italians etc etc. When I say neighbor, I mean in the same neighborhood. NOT next-door neighbor. I spent my whole day after school with the retired scholars doing work for them for money. Most Europeans, especially retired scholars, seem to enjoy the hands-on approach to doing things. Hence, how I became a polyglot.

Cheers, mate!
Reactions: FantomOffshore
It sounds like you (have) had a very interesting life then! The mastery of so many languages must have served you incredibly well. My bad for assuming you were Dutch, I do speak Dutch but I just don't live there anymore for multiple reasons.

Respect and cheers!
Reactions: jafo
Thanks for going into so much detail. Duly noted.
No problem! That's my strength - you see?


The people who are longing for the collapse of China simply WILL always IGNORE the information that goes against their narrative. But they'll ALWAYS bring up the one PROVES that there're some things that indeed harm its economy. And use them as a proof that "you see? China is ABOUT to collapse"?

Why not take into account everything? China has been making deals all other the world, making friends and allies, becoming ever more powerful for a few decades, year after year. Even though there're, indeed, problems in its economy. But have there been MORE OF problems in it? Or the things that make it grow and keep it in a good shape?


How do I know this? Because I do it too, just on the other side
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China number 1 partner is USA
No USA, no China.
China number 1 partner is USA
No USA, no China.
I agree with @BalnearioCamboriu

Visuals like this: Biggest Trading Partners since 1960

can help us get a better bird's eye view of what is going on around the world.

PS. Someone on OCT wrote a few days ago about how we're all being hoodwinked by both sides and that they may (or may not) work in unison. triggered the f*ck out of me, but having been surrounded by elderly people since I was a kid, I learned from them that everything that triggers me needs to be taken into account and analyzed. Weighed against the results I am seeking, then choose the "narrative" that profits me (read "immediate verifiable bank deposits") the most! Of course, YMMV.

Or as a very astute elderly friend once told me:
"I don't care if the dog is black, white, brown, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Pitbull, Doberman, or if it barks, speaks, meows etc etc. As long as he viciously helps protect & guard me, my children, and my property, he's family too! "

Can't agree more .

China also has by far the largest Forex reserves on the planet to deploy which it does not need to Problem seems to be too many Youtubers making click bait videos brainwashing people about a China collapse without understanding the reality. I seem to remember Russia collapse as .
People are also missing the growth of China's own payment network CIPS as an alternative to SWIFT. SWIFT has been around since 1973 and has over 11,000 banks from 200 countries using it. CIPS has only been around since 2015 and already has over 4,200 banks from over 182 countries using it last time I looked and it is growing rapidly. CIPS will move from using SWIFT elements at some point. Right now its being rolled out silently with no fanfare.
P.S No one needs to try to replace the dollar as the US will do this themselves via threatening to sanction .
Reactions: jafo