URGENT: $1m/month looking for high-risk EU payment processing for ecom/nutra

What even is nutra? Never heard of it
Nutra rats are some very cool animals.
I can recommend a Louisiana alligator tour. You will get a first-hand experience of the hate of local alligator keepers for those invasive species.

But here it is a short for Nutraceuticals, which are all sort of food supplements more often than not sold with ungrounded claims on how they improve your body, mind and soul.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutraceutical said:
is a marketing term used to imply a pharmaceutical effect from a compound or food product that has not been scientifically confirmed or approved to have clinical benefits.

In short, he actually means something which is officially called "dietary supplements" when actually talking about beaver rats.
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Reactions: kislokan
I would say it's a business related to steroids, viagra and/or psycadelics like mushrooms.
It's a illegal business but with the right ecommerce team, extremely profitable and at the end of the day it's not like you're killing anyone like the people that sell hard drugs.
Profitable for him. The pest for us who have to delete all those spams in our inboxes.