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Feb 13, 2024
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Ultimate Security, Anonymity & Privacy for Elite Individuals and Corporations -- GH0P Security & Business

In today's digital age, being a high-net-worth individual makes you a prime target for online threats and privacy breaches. Data leaks, phishing, targeted attacks, unsanctioned government spying... the list goes on!

If you haven't considered this yet, take a moment to envision the convenience of handling your business transactions, personal communications, and online activities without spies or hackers.

That is where Sword and Shield Framework comes in!

My innovative security and anonymity framework offers an excellent shield (and sword) against these risks. Sword and Shield stands firm in the frontline to ensure you get the ultimate protection and privacy.

Weclome to the World of Safe Online Presence

Sword & Shield is a custom security and anonymity framework that has been in the making & in the field for more than 2 decades. It encompasses the knowledge, methodology, and top of the line tools for online privacy, allowing for truly anonymous, secure, and flexible living and working environment.

Who is Sword and Shield For?

My products and services cater exclusively to:
  • $1M+ high and ultra-high net-worth individuals & multi-million asset companies.
  • Those who appreciate security, privacy, correct execution to the tiniest detail & understand the value of true freedom.
  • Those who don't want to rely on specific tools or technologies to protect them in the court room, but entirely keep out of it in the first place.

What Makes Us Stand Out?

  1. Decades of Expertise: With nearly 25 years of security experience, I've successfully handled multiple anonymous multi-million-dollar projects, spanning from the hacking scene to data collection and sales, infrastructure hosting, warez/fileshare websites, communication setups, financial privacy setups, and more.
  2. Impeccable Track Record: My operations have been flawless from inception to completion, thanks to my attention to detail and deep technical knowledge.
  3. Expert Technical Proficiency: From crafting kernel exploits to creating custom firewall solutions that withstand millions of users and attacks simultaneously, my expertise is unmatched.
  4. Anonymity Specialists: I excel in truly anonymous work, network evasion, and traceability, ensuring legally securing gains from any source.
  5. Financial Acumen: I know how to move, sort, and protect financial assets and interests, making me your ideal partner for secure financial flow.
  6. Integrity and Honor: Above all, I'm committed to my word and honor, making me a trusted partner in every endeavor.

My Offerings:

  1. Security Consulting: I provide top-tier security consulting for both personal and corporate needs, ensuring anonymous and secure operations.
  2. Financial Flow Consulting: I specialize in privacy-focused financial consulting, enabling anonymous payments and capital injection from any source of funds.
  3. Sword & Shield Framework: My signature offering is the Sword & Shield Security & Anonymity Framework, a custom-built and rigorously tested system for high and ultra-high net worth individuals.
  4. Partnerships and Projects: I'm open to new projects and partnerships where I can oversee, manage, and architect the technical and security aspects.

In-Depth Topics Covered in Sword & Shield Framework

  1. How to be anonymous on the Internet level: A hacker's perspective.
  2. How to protect yourself on the physical level: A hacker's perspective.
  3. Common methods used by Law Enforcement (LE) to locate you on the Internet level: An NSA hunter's perspective.
  4. Common methods used by Law Enforcement (LE) to locate you on the physical level: An NSA/CIA hunter's perspective.
  5. TOP SECRET methods used by Law Enforcement (LE) to locate you on the Internet level where common methods do not work.
  6. TOP SECRET methods used by Law Enforcement (LE) to locate you on the physical level and pre-verify results generated by their TOP SECRET Internet methods.
  7. How LE tracks you financially: Adapt and evolve with documented methods.
  8. Defend yourself like a professional against common and TOP SECRET methods on the Internet level.
  9. Defend yourself like a professional against common and TOP SECRET methods on the physical level.
  10. Defend yourself like a professional against LE on the financial level and make your assets anonymous & untouchable.
  11. ... & much more including 6 months free consultations.

This information is based on in-depth research and successful application over the years, going far beyond public knowledge. 'Next-level' does not even come close to describing it.

To draw the picture as much as I can without disclosing anything revealing, these methodologies, knowledge, tools, and other tactics are actively used to spy on the basic citizen. They can be weaponized to find whoevers their target, which includes you, even if what you fight for is basic human rights.

Can I Have a Preview?

Here is a preview: Tor is not as secure as you might think, and simply adding on top VPNs or proxies doesn't solve the problem. XMR (Monero) is not as secure as you might think if you are a big target (reference: Breaking Monero series).

Is it only some teachings?

You will be guided through every step of the process with explanations of why, who, what, and where. For example, I'll include proof that explains why Tor is not secure and so on. I'll detail every technology and layer to give you a deep understanding while uncovering unknown facts currently in use by intel services.

Bonus: I'll offer free consulting for 6 months to address any questions you may have.

What Happens if Tools Change After 5 or 10 Years?

If you take the logical steps and precautionary measures like I do, you'll survive as I have through the e-gold or liberty reserve era. It does not matter if everything changes even to the point where I have computers in my brain; if you follow the simple yet detailed methodology I have created, you will be safe.

Is the Framework Only Against LE Tracking?

No, it can be applied to highly motivated corporate competitors. Some per-subject surveillance technologies of corporate (offensive) spy teams can be better than three-letter agencies; however, mass surveillance tools of said agencies are more powerful. Knowing how to defend yourself against both is essential.

Who is the Framework For? Why Are There Multiple Mentions of LE?

I built this framework for myself and high net-worth individuals. Nowadays, censorship is ramping up further, and you can be targeted by the powers that be for saying the wrong thing, even if all of your businesses and dealings are in excellent legal standing. The framework is not only a protection but a hedge against tracking and unfair treatment.

Why the Name Sword & Shield?

It's inspired by the nature of the framework itself which can be used as a shield to protect yourself and your loved ones, or it can be used offensively. A truly anonymous and hidden attacker is a difficult opponent. Another symbolic reasoning is some situations where offense is the best defense and vice versa; hence the name.

Why Sword & Shield?

  1. Comprehensive Guidance: I'll guide you through every step with detailed explanations and proof.
  2. Long-Term Resilience: My methodology ensures your safety, even as tools and technologies evolve.
  3. Beyond Law Enforcement: My framework also defends against highly motivated corporate competitors.
  4. Exclusive Access: My services are only for high and ultra-high net worth individuals.

Pricing and Payment

The value Sword & Shield framework offers is worth millions. For payment I only accept Monero (XMR). If you have other cryptocurrencies such as BTC or USDT, please exchange it to Monero for the transaction, I'll cover the exchange fees.

What payment method do you accept for other services?

For all other services, I accept Monero (XMR) only but I won't cover the exchange fees.

Do you accept escrow?

Yes on OCT.

What other assurances do you offer?

I have made a $10k deposit with OCT escrow as a guarantee if any issues or disputes arise from the service/products. We also have official testimonials.

Do you provide any discounts?

Yes, 20% off from first-time security consultations for any OCT Gold member. No discounts for Sword&Shield Framework.


Do you have a million-dollar idea but you need my framework applied for & on you? Contact me to discuss potential partnerships.

Experience true security, privacy, and freedom with my expertise. Contact us today to secure your future.

GH0P Security & Business


Recommended Direct Contact
XMPP/Jabber - [email protected] (OMEMO plugin required, no OTR)

Alternative Contact (PGP recommended)
Private Message on OCT
Email - admin[[AT]]gh0p.biz
Telegram - @gh0pbiz

PGP Key Fingerprint: 34EA 948F 8385 0A17 D6F8 5D05 2C66 3CEC 979A EE22

Public PGP key:

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Can you say what minimum costs are for your services to get personal consultancy in securing my cyberworld?
There's no pricing list included as every service is bespoke but is definitely not cheap as what I offer is not only unique but the real deal. Only working with high and ultra high networth individuals/companies/projects. If you'd like more information and a quote feel free to message.
I find it very difficult to understand where your service fits in. Let's assume I have around 2-3 million euros invested in stocks and crypto. Where does your service come into play here?
I find it very difficult to understand where your service fits in. Let's assume I have around 2-3 million euros invested in stocks and crypto. Where does your service come into play here?
It doesn't. I don't offer broker services. You can possibly use it for secure storage of crypto but honestly there is more than enough information online how to do it yourself. The knowledge and experience I incorporate in my offers aren't something you can find easily or at all on search engines. My services and framework are geared those who require true security, privacy & anonymity for themselves or their projects/businesses regardless of the threat level.
I've been using GH0P for a few weeks now, and it's been quite an eye-opening experience. As someone with a solid crypto portfolio and investments spread across different countries, I consider myself pretty tech-savvy and cautious with my finances and devices. I've never had any major security issues, but curiosity got the better of me, so I invited them for a chat to see what they had to offer.

We had a fascinating discussion about the various ways high-net-worth individuals have been targeted in the past, including some horror stories about their accountants getting hacked. It was clear that Sword & Shield's framework is designed with these real-world scenarios in mind.

I ended up with a custom package tailored specifically for my needs. It included advanced firewalls and extra layers of protection for my tablet and computer. To be on the safe side, I ensured my accountant received the same upgrades. The entire process was incredibly informative; I learned a lot about security measures I hadn't previously considered.

Of course, it's worth noting that the package is highly customized, so your experience might differ. There were a few techy details that initially went over my head, but their team was patient and thorough in explaining everything. The only drawback I've noticed is that the level of customization can be a bit overwhelming at first, especially if you're not too familiar with advanced security protocols.
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I've been using GH0P for a few weeks now, and it's been quite an eye-opening experience. As someone with a solid crypto portfolio and investments spread across different countries, I consider myself pretty tech-savvy and cautious with my finances and devices. I've never had any major security issues, but curiosity got the better of me, so I invited them for a chat to see what they had to offer.

We had a fascinating discussion about the various ways high-net-worth individuals have been targeted in the past, including some horror stories about their accountants getting hacked. It was clear that Sword & Shield's framework is designed with these real-world scenarios in mind.

I ended up with a custom package tailored specifically for my needs. It included advanced firewalls and extra layers of protection for my tablet and computer. To be on the safe side, I ensured my accountant received the same upgrades. The entire process was incredibly informative; I learned a lot about security measures I hadn't previously considered.

Of course, it's worth noting that the package is highly customized, so your experience might differ. There were a few techy details that initially went over my head, but their team was patient and thorough in explaining everything. The only drawback I've noticed is that the level of customization can be a bit overwhelming at first, especially if you're not too familiar with advanced security protocols.
Thanks very much for the feedback & testimonial greatly appreciated.
After catching their Ad on OCT, we decided to get in touch with @gh0p , and I have to say, we were really impressed by their expertise. You could immediately tell how deep their knowledge and experience run just from the thorough assessment they did of our existing security measures and the solutions they proposed.

Throughout the consultation, they kept in touch and made sure we were informed at every step. It’s clear that @gh0p genuinely takes pride in delivering high-quality and reliable services.

Thanks to their invaluable guidance, we're on track to having a much stronger security framework. I'm excited to see the improvements unfold and will definitely update you with our experiences as we move forward.

Getting a second opinion on our entire setup has been crucial for our future plans. We believe our team is skilled, with over 40 years of combined experience in what we do. Despite this, @gh0p has managed to open our eyes and suggest essential changes that could have otherwise led to serious long-term consequences.
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Reactions: clemens and gh0p
After catching their Ad on OCT, we decided to get in touch with @gh0p , and I have to say, we were really impressed by their expertise. You could immediately tell how deep their knowledge and experience run just from the thorough assessment they did of our existing security measures and the solutions they proposed.

Throughout the consultation, they kept in touch and made sure we were informed at every step. It’s clear that @gh0p genuinely takes pride in delivering high-quality and reliable services.

Thanks to their invaluable guidance, we're on track to having a much stronger security framework. I'm excited to see the improvements unfold and will definitely update you with our experiences as we move forward.

Getting a second opinion on our entire setup has been crucial for our future plans. We believe our team is skilled, with over 40 years of combined experience in what we do. Despite this, @gh0p has managed to open our eyes and suggest essential changes that could have otherwise led to serious long-term consequences.
Thanks a lot for the feedback & testimonial I appreciate your words.
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Reactions: EliasIT
I’m sure that those who have had the financial means to make use of OP’s services are already in contact with him or in the process of doing so. Ultimately, it’s the best solution for anyone who wants to regain their freedom and privacy.

It’s clear that this requires a significant amount of money, which is likely why OP has such high financial demands. But that’s unavoidable since there are numerous external services that need to be paid for.

It’s unfortunate for those who fall in between being wealthy and less well off, but that’s always the case. Besides, I’m not sure what the latter group would even need such an extensive setup for.