UK's Tax Changes

You don’t need to register anymore you just get the passport

Also if you want to register you can post a form

Oh I see what you mean - they are too young currently to think their own kids

Yes. You are UK citizen otherwise than by descent. Your kids are automatically UK citizens by descent. They simply are it and may not even be aware of it nor does the government know. Your grandchildren can register for UK citizenship if their UK parent lived in the UK or is territories for 3 years. They need to pay for this but will be UK citizens otherwise than by descent.
Best decision of my life not taking uk citizenship some 15 years ago, I was already smelling what was going to happen.
I could see that things were going sideways back in 2010 (I moved to the UK in 2006) and decided to pull the pin and leave (I would have qualified for citizenship by 2012, I believe, had I stayed). I think my landlord and so-called friends were mystified, but one day I just got a feeling of "I need to get the f**k out now" I packed my bag and left

Thankfully I was able to square things away with HMRC (had a good accountant) without too much hassle.

I still visit occasionally, but am never on the ground for more than 48 hours.

As I mentioned in another thread, friends who still live there are in complete denial and while I try and encourage them to leave, it's always the same set of excuses.
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
Ah apologies my kids too young for their kids to be British easiest thing is to just give birth in the UK and leave
I could see that things were going sideways back in 2010 (I moved to the UK in 2006) and decided to pull the pin and leave
Same for me, even though I was on the Isle of Man after having stayed a few years in London. They managed to ruin also that nice island.
Reactions: wellington
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