Ukraine will release ''e-Residency Ukraine'' program 5% tax income...sound interesting!!! Better like Estonia ???

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How. If you do not have for example house in Ukraine and travelling all time, to Europe, Asia, Latam, how you can be tsx resident of Ukraine? If you do not spend most time in the year in Ukraine?
According to Ukraine tax code, if you have active private entrepreneur (FOP) you are considered UA tax resident without any other checks where you actually spend time.
But you still need to have registered address in Ukraine for both FOP entity and personal address, which could be solved by renting one.

have you seen examples of such thing in the Ukraine lately ?
Each few years something coming. Last was in 2014-2016 with starting war with russia.
The nearest crisis which will for sure come in a few year period repeat it again with some new banks closures.
It doesn't have to be an apartment. It could be a mailing address, for example a Regus virtual office.

I don't considering marketing materials as proof.
Tax code clearly describe what you need to have.
1. As a registration address for UA tax resident as private person you need to have real apartment address, not a virtual office/mailing address only. Individual person just can't do 'address registration' for the virtual address or commercial property.
2. Place of business for FOP could be any mailing address (in theory).
In practice, if person have registration address already it's a most simple to use same as business address.
Regus office could work for business, but as an extra to the registration address for private person.
It mostly designed to the companies, not for a private entrepreneurs.
I don't considering marketing materials as proof.
Indeed it is marketing but marketing doesn't mean using false claims. A lawyer can't say "an ukrainian mailing address will suffice" and then when you join the program say "it was a joke, you also need to rent an apartment".
Tax code clearly describe what you need to have.
If you know for a fact that the tax code describe what you need can you point exactly where it says so in the tax code?
then when you join the program say "it was a joke, you also need to rent an apartment".
So you could follow this claim and then learn about the quality of UA lawyers. And probably after it try to sue him and learn about quality of courts in Ukraine. Good luck in general

If you know for a fact that the tax code describe what you need can you point exactly where it says so in the tax code?
Sure. Here you go: here would need to found form which is refer to registration to 5% tax level.
You could google translate form if you want as well as law.
#4 at form place of living of person. It can't be virtual/commercial address.
#6 at form place of business of FOP. It could be virtual/commercial address.

Plus you need to fill few more forms and have few more docs, where you will need to prove residential address that can't be commercial one.
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You linked a document from 2019, here we are talking about the newest e-residency program.

I don't see anywhere that you have to have a personal residency in Ukraine to get started as a private entrepreneur but hey, for the sake of accuracy i'm going to mail them, wait for the answer and update the discussion.
You linked a document from 2019, here we are talking about the newest e-residency program.
I linked to up-to-date laws, which is actually in place. And not about fairytale future.
Even if you think that e-residency will apply, it would need to match of current laws(or laws need to be updated).
And if you think that fundamental laws and rules about place of residence, tax codes and bunch of other things will be changed - you are completely wrong.
When e-residence law will be applied, you would be need to follow all bureaucratic laws that present now. It's a how it will work and not how you are imagine for your easy-nomad-life

I don't see anywhere that you have to have a personal residency in Ukraine to get started as a private entrepreneur but hey, for the sake of accuracy i'm going to mail them, wait for the answer and update the discussion.
Easy again. is direct link from tax authority.
Translate and refer to 291.5.7 which describe who *can't* be private entrepreneur for 5% tax level. And private persons non-residents are clearly displayed here.

I could suggest you are using wrong sources or trying to wishful thinking.
I can only think that they still have to amend the tax code.

For those that want to follow the development of this program here's the e-residency FB page

I prefer to follow laws, which could be operable in disputes, courts, etc. Instead of email from some low level supporter of diyaa who even don't aware of the laws of the own country and just shill wrong information for you.

You're not contradicting what I wrote at all: Some countries do it that way, others don't. Some use a hybrid approach where they say "If you can't prove a new tax residency, you will still be tax resident for X years."
How many countries there are in each category, I don't know. It would mean that I know the tax laws of all countries in the world. I don't.
Generalizations don't make sense when it comes to taxes as every country has its own rules.

If you don't believe me, look at the UK rules, since it's such a clear example. They even have a flowchart to help you find out if you are a UK tax resident or not. No, "Are you tax resident somewhere else?" is not one of the questions they ask. They only ask about your ties to the UK:
I agree, though, that it's wise to become tax resident somewhere new, as that's what everyone understands ("Oh, so you have moved, ok") - everything else is sort of a grey area and can always lead to trouble ("But where do you live? What's your address?").