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UK/Overseas/Non-Resident Question Corp


Mentor Group Gold
Nov 14, 2020
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Just thinking about something today and thought perhaps better answers could be secured here.

If a UK Company is established 'say way back many years', the UK company is a technology company as in it's in the stage where money is thrown into said company or rather money is passed from the owner/founder/ceo to the parties that are not employees but overseas developers, the owner/ceo/founder is non resident in said country - say resident in a country with territorial tax system, the funds flowing into the company is their money or that of their family.

the UK company owns the asset 'code' - informal non-IP protected code.

after a number of years the owner/ceo/founder generates a new company 'overseas' in another location to the UK company, and a different the location of their residence, say a tax haven with 0% tax.

the Company overseas generates revenues which are for a product/service that is used against the IP/technology which it has license to turn into a product/service, after which the technology is then transitioned to the overseas company as a Asset for free/nominal value.

The UK company is ceased in the tax year as it doesn't serve a function and wouldn't be viable due to regulations or domestic laws.

The overseas company then starts paying out to its consultants/staff/employees from its revenues where-ever they are based in the world.

Is there any taxable income on that UK company?
--- technology is then transitioned to the overseas company as a Asset for free/nominal value ---
consider making an independent valuation of the technology prior to the transfer in order to determine a market price as if the transaction takes place between unrelated parties and then transfer the technology at that price
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