UK Ltd, director's salary threshold of 12k GBP

Just to add to @Sols comment, here is a pretty extensive article about keeping a non-UK tax status for companies: Maintaining non-UK tax residence, but indeed, independent advise is essential for such things.

Drawing revenue as salaries is a pretty common way to reduce CIT liability, but keep in mind that it would have to be market rates and could only work up to certain amount and in many cases isn't the most tax efficient way (dividends might be a better way). But, again, advice from an accountant will be key here to decide what's best.
Quite helpfull, thanks.

Another question:

if I do some bisiness work for someone who is a resident of UK, via my UK company that is -- will that overcomplicate things in terms of taxes? Meaning, in case of

a) LTD


b) LLP (one member of which is my UK LTD, with 0% sign. control; or 25% - I don't remember )

For LTD it shouldn't because I'd pay taxes anyway, whether my client is, or isn't, UK resident. But for LLP it can bring a liability to pay taxes for that particular job. Right?