UK Ltd, a customer from UK and taxes

You don't need to register for UK vat if your turnover is under 85k
Registering for and charging VAT - are 2 different things. Aren't they?
I may register for VAT after $100 and nobody will be able to prevent me.

The question is when to begin to charge VAT, and for what types of customers. And whether something changes in case my customer is a UK resident.
If you register then you have to charge vat.
You don't need to register for UK vat if your turnover is under 85k
It's not 100% clear, as if the company is not regarded as established in the UK then there is no threshold. The definition of established in the UK is not the same as tax resident or incorporated in the UK.
The question is when to begin to charge VAT, and for what types of customers. And whether something changes in case my customer is a UK resident.
You charge vat on all sales to all UK customers (also companies) after you've registered for vat, as long as your product is subject to vat, and the place of supply is the UK.
You should check on place of supply of services for further details.