UK Business Bank Account (Cheapest Solution Needed)

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Personal visit is great if you live in the US or want to take a trip there, but Ben said, (if I read it correctly) he does NOT live in USA like I don't. So not so easy.

There is NO other way to get a US bank account, other than to go there in person.

If the price of a return ticket is to expensive, then in reality you do not NEED a US account. (if you live in Europe, has ultra cheap tickets, and overall the combined ticket/hotel price will be less than an introducer will charge you for an (temp) offshore account) Invest in the ticket and get yourself the a account at the premium offshore location of 2017+: the USA.

We are talking about UK and not USA. For USA, I would never do what you suggested. At any time, I would be requested to visit the branch, e.g. to get account access unlocked, to explain some transactions, etc.. Obviously I wouldn't fly to USA just because phone support representative tells me the only way to unsuspend account is to visit the branch. It could be for any reason, perhaps they would just want to protect me that noone else is trying to access my account. Never do this.

UK account!
Why is it taking so long to receive solution on this forum? I really need EXTREMELY URGENTLY physical UK or other European bank account where visits (regardless of reason, even if having to come to verify something or to unsuspend account), selfie, skype web cam is NOT required. I cannot move on and it is getting very very very urgent, does really noone provide a service of opening account???

United Kingdom

It can be personal account too.
I am still looking for UK business bank account (or documentation about company that can be used for opening bank account) or UK personal bank account. If someone can help, please contact me.
can you let us know here if you have found or if you find a solution to setup a UK business bank account? will open corp UK IBAN's later this year.
do you know when this will be?
can you let us know here if you have found or if you find a solution to setup a UK business bank account?

I didn't. So far the only known location to buy business company documents on purpose to use them to open business bank account is:

Company Formations - Company Documents - System Day

Here can be bought ALMOST everything needed to open business account with (at least) two obvious exceptions: tax return document and business bank account statement.

However since I cannot afford this, I would like to avoid having to pay for those business documents too even if vendor (see the website) seems to be trustworthy. Being aware that finding online COMPLETE random company documentation to be used to open business bank account has a chance of close to zero, forming (registering/incorporating) offshore UK business would be mandatory. Obviously I cannot afford that either because I don't have money to pay those fees. So being afraid that only solution left is getting opened personal bank account in one of European countries (i already have for Malta which is basically intermediate location to my wanted tax heaven personal bank account solution in St Vincent And The Grenadines) where receiving SMS text message for any reason ( * ) is not required.

* most common reason is to verify outgoing transaction via one time passcode, valid for few minutes only, to finalize the transaction

Working hard, every single day, to get account opened. So far the best solution I have found is Switzerland for 100 EUR.

Really need one bank account very very urgently...

I should have replied to you in the same post as I did to @belarus (still waiting for his reply) but the forum doesn't let me edit my post so I am creating another one. Anyway, I tried Atlas and both locations Silicon Valley Bank as well as Atlas would require from me business documents. I don't have any and cannot afford to buy them from random USA company. Also there would be a lot of problem with getting ATM debit card to Europe. Transferwise is not a financial institution (bank). I need real, physical bank account with 100% guarantee they will never under any condition ask me to visit the branch. Not scam ewallet such as Paypal, Skrill, Neteller, etc.

Banks like Carter Allen in the UK or ING in Spain can open an account remotely, however they will require a local address. Switzerland usually requires physical interview and they require $100K

@Luigi one idea would be to use someone's services from Fiverr ( to get the physical items delivered and forward them internationally. Fortunately I could afford this because this would not be that much expensive - I estimate this service at around max 35 EUR including fees for reforwarding and not just individual's (service provider's) fees. However I disagree with what you said regarding ING in Spain. They told me I have to be resident there and that I need to visit the branch personally. For Switzerland: I found solution for no visit, without opening deposit required (so its NOT true what you said about 100K usd) but the price is 100 EUR plus the cost of design expert's service. Are you confused regarding what I just said? If I explain more in detail, it might be against the forum rules and I need opening of bank account so much URGENTLY that I cannot risk my account here on this forum in case if breaking any forum rules. But you can surely get the idea as soon as i mentioned ''design'' what i was referring too. Such service is not cheap also so in total I would have to invest around 160 EUR. A way too much for my budget.
I somehow managed to did small, very very small, progress in my research: The business bank account (in UK) can be obtained for free IF:

- maximum 1 directior/ceo is assigned to the company
- company is older than 6 months, preferable older than 12 months
- company is listed in Company House Service
- company can be verified (big benefit: if YES, company documentation in most, but may not be all, UK institutions don't need to be provided)
- person assigning the bank account can be identified

Another benefit is that in some cases the shipping/corresponding physical address for physical items such as One Time Passcode device for online access can be different than company registration address.

But the problem is that I don't have anyone in UK to get items delivered and reship them. It is NOT possible to use well known ''via address'' websites. UK royal mail has international forwarding but they are too expensive.

I have been waiting for appropriate solution for over 3 months ( ! ) since I opened this topic on your forum. I wonder if anyone has any forwarding solution from UK? Once again: known websites in this area won't work!
hmmm, strange topic, you are broke but look for something that most often only wealthy people or people with some sort of income setup anyway hope you find what you are looking for
Can i ask why you need a uk account, i am in the UK and offer various corporate services but high street physical banks here are very hard to open even as a uk resident.
Can i ask why you need a uk account, i am in the UK and offer various corporate services but high street physical banks here are very hard to open even as a uk resident.
take care.. I will allow above this time! But hidden nor normal advertising is not allowed without Mentor Group access! No warning given this time.
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