Will those benefiting from the regime be grandfathered when the Dems takes back control of the White House and repeal it?
This is where the devil in the detail matters. Until we see the text of the program and its legality and survivability are assessed the jury is out. Just hope this move spurs more countries to start their own golden visa program just like COVID spurred 50+ countries to create nomad/remote worker programs.
P.S Expect EU to now push for citizenship based taxation. France has already got this is motion before Trump's announcement
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France’s Finance Committee has adopted an amendment to establish a “targeted universal tax” requiring French citizens living in countries with lower tax rates to continue paying taxes to France.
The proposed system will require French nationals who lived in France for at least three years within the decade before relocating to pay taxes equivalent to their hypothetical French tax burden.
To prevent double taxation, the amendment outlines a tax credit mechanism for French citizens living abroad. Under this framework,they must pay taxes equivalent to what they would owe in France but receive a credit matching any taxes already paid in their country of residence.
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