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Trasfering stocks to a private company without paying capital gains taxes


New member
Apr 16, 2021
Good morning guys,

as per title, is there any way to trasfer stocks to a private company without paying capital gains taxes?

I'm an European based investor and I would like to put all the stocks I own in my name under a private company, the issue is that the operation would be like selling my stocks to the companny and I would trigger a tax event...

Thanks for your help!
If capital gains is triggered upon disposal of an asset then check first if your country allows gift relief of some sort.
Good morning guys,

as per title, is there any way to trasfer stocks to a private company without paying capital gains taxes?

I'm an European based investor and I would like to put all the stocks I own in my name under a private company, the issue is that the operation would be like selling my stocks to the companny and I would trigger a tax event...

Thanks for your help!
There is a way that this can take place without triggerring a taxable event. It would be important to assess your tax residency and the tax residency of the jurisdiction of the company which will hold the shares. Preferably must be common law jurisdiction. If you are interested I would be glad to PM you and have a look at your case.
There is a way that this can take place without triggerring a taxable event. It would be important to assess your tax residency and the tax residency of the jurisdiction of the company which will hold the shares. Preferably must be common law jurisdiction. If you are interested I would be glad to PM you and have a look at your case.
Wondering if it's possible doing the same but with crypto assets, pms welcome