TransferWise holds money since early January 2019

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what Ombudsman? of what country? please write site

Exactly Transferwise will send all money to source probably, i’ve same experience with revolut and worldfirst after 40days i’ve got money back.... but i’ve made for both complaint with ombudsman...
Reactions: Alex Durham
what Ombudsman? of what country? please write site
I would like to know that too. "ombudsman" sounds Swedish but I believe it's not what is meant?
Reactions: Alex Durham
Ombudsman means negotiator between two parties (you and me, you and a company etc). They handle disputes and tries to make you negotiate in order to reduce stress on the Judiciary system (Courts). At least that's what they do in Turkey.

OP said he got his money back.

Aug 28, 2019
Hello Guys,
We received refund from TW. It took more than 60 days.
Fine, but waiting 60 days for YOUR money cannot be fun. I guess it is the price you pay for being the small guy. Best advice I have seen is use these payments as a stepping stone and get to a real bank a.s.a.p. We have been caught in twice now (i-Account and now ePayments). Thing is they worked perfectly, until they didn't
Reactions: Alex Durham
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good day, i have the same problem now with a account of my company (founded 1987), transferwise has closed our account and we have 250`000k on it. support is not even giving an clear answer and now we have get an email that we have to wait up to 60 business days. we have hired a lawyer now and also informed fca and ombudsman service. thats crazy and i have never seen such a "service"
Its an ongoing crack down, freezing the account in a sure way to coerce you to give them the info they want or they will simply close the account and give your money back to you and wherever you will go first thing they will ask is for this information all over again to get that account.
if you received a payment where the sender later asked for a chargeback, boom, its a flag at your account.

if they connect your account to crypto (even though tw, i very tolerant with crypto) and this crypto you are sending/receiving to/from is connected to something else that is deemed "subious" , boom its a flag

you may have had your account frozen for several different reasons.
That's why they closed the account.
you must contact the ombudsman and you will get your money in 6 months:
How to complain
Hi guys,
So I wanted to share you my (negative) experience with Transferwise.
Exactly one month ago, I got an almost anonymous mail from TW, which informed me that my Account was closed.
Off course I wrote to their customer service and they told me that are not allowed to tell the reasons this happened and that for now due diligence checks are being made.
I am a normal clean citizen (not a company) and it was very hard for me see my money being held and I have to be honest, I didn't sleep a few nights.
Anyway, this morning I received a reply from TW after I wrote them yesterday and asked when will they refunded me, and they sent me the receipt that I was already refunded this week.
I don't know if this procedure is 100% legal, but one thing I know... I will never ever keep money in an online bank like TW.
Reactions: lavel and Btraveler
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