TIN at Revolut

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I got emails from Revolut about this for several weeks, and ignored them all. They finally restricted my account and sent me the following email:

Your account is currently restricted. This means you can't add or receive money to your account. You can still access and use your existing funds, and to remove these restrictions, we just need you to review your tax information.

It won't take long. Just go to your app and tap the 'Submit your tax ID number' tile, or tap Submit tax ID in this email. You can also enter it in your app profile, under Account > Personal Details > Tax residences.

If you have problems accessing this info, make sure your app is updated.
Did you end up submitting it? I don't think it would make a difference whether you submit it or not? They can already report what they already have about you also it's mandatory for them to do so in accordance with CRS, but I believe they only report the year-end balance.
Had submitted a comment above regarding my own situation with the ALI BABA Banks/Financial outfits, and now to confirm I have emptied, and no longer use both REVOLUT and MONESE accounts.
I hate what (geographical) Europe has become - It's an an authorized THEIFDOM led by corrupt politicians - I have even reduced my visits to my 'homes' in Finland, as they clearly do not wish me to visit (as a Brit, i.e. a non EU citizen) their horrible petty 'Socialist Distopia' -- long may they rot in hell.
And these inept useless corrupt Govt agents called politicians, particularly in the UK, scratch their heads and wonder how they will replace the previously paid taxes of 9200 Millionaires who have, or are planning to leave UK this calendar year.
They did this with my account while I refused to give them my new TIN!
Reactions: jafo and clemens

No, but I don't really use Revolut anyways. I just showed the email that I got so that others would know what happens if the tax ID is not submitted.
Reactions: bountymounty