Timing analyses by Law enforcement agencies undermine Tor anonymisation


Network Samurai
Mentor Group Lifetime
Feb 13, 2024
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I didn't see anyone post or discuss the news about Tor here it is. Quoting ease of read and future preservation.

https://blog.torproject.org/tor-is-still-safe/ The reports mentioned are these two links

Tor lists [tor-relays] [Important] Update on an upcoming German broadcasting story about Tor/Onion Services

A lot of instances where Tor and Tor onion services have been located are unexplained from high profile cases to less known ones. If we combine some of the attacks on Monero too (This is how Monero transactions are traced) suddenly a Tor+Monero solution doesn't cut it for anyone but the completely regular Tor user. High and higher value targets who expect scrutiny from the upper echelons of law enforcement or corporate surveillance teams with deep pockets, shouldn't be surprised when each individually or both together are put under intense breaking efforts.

Back when I launched GH0P Security & Business I provided a sample text which encompasses very well the current situation and is absolutely true then and is now.

Tor is not as secure as you might think. Enabling VPNs or proxies doesn't solve the problem. XMR (Monero) is not as secure as you might think if you are a big target. Reference: Breaking Monero series.

No technology gives bulletproof or fool-proof security. Understanding that is critical in my opinion as it can give you a way to create stronger security by for example one of the core principles I teach which is layering. Security layering for a user or business can't only give multiple fail-safes but hedge risk on multi-dimensional field, create a stacking security advantage in any domain including forensics and last but not least utilize the limits of known technology which ultimately results in peace of mind. An example there are things one can do to protect against a combined Tor+Monero attack be it through timing analysis or global eye netflow. Every layer is important and in the instance one, two or three extra protection points would make a huge difference in traceability aspect.

I recommend everyone support with what they can Tor, Monero and other security/anti-surveillance projects. The world is moving fast and safety is becoming a bigger building block than ever to any business or personal desire for true privacy.
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computer science is a very complex topic, which is divided in two basic areas:
- software
- hardware

working in security means that you have to cover everything.
covering everything, no matter how bad it sounds, is not possible for one person, no matter someone tells you.
the best minds works at universities (with some exceptions), universities are controlled by forces that have unlimited resources. if someone tells you that they, due to their talent, can just overpass all that...you can nearly be sure it is "snake oil".

same goes for medical science.

@0xDEADBEEF, @wellington, @mraleph shared quite interesting information over the last 6 months(you can check it your self, if you search old posts).
i would love to hear somethings from you too, if you are willing to share.

if we had to pick something that is our actual guard for privacy (even though it is a mix of factors), that's cryptography (math). after all, you shared your public key in one of your messages.

i am not good at this, for sure, but what I did is I did my best to inform my self as much as I could without actual scientific knowledge. no reason to question if you guys are better or not, since you are.
instead of watching movies, i like to read about this.
correct what ever I said wrong (any where regarding cybersec, computer science).
TOR is multi-hop overlay network.

Like single-hop networks, neither TOR protects traffic at entry and exit - that's design and not a flaw. So, a traffic analysis can be performed with plethora of methods.

This is not a novel matter and was a known known in the industry and not only from

It's in public focus because investigative journalists reported it

To claim that TOR is not usable - no. Not secure and compromised - no. But, users should be advised of its design limitations and act accordingly - and balance between safety and comfort.
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Have send a few DM's to you without any response ?
OP are you around, tried to contact you a few times through all your channels no response ever?
Have send a few DM's to you without any response ?
Same here, even his Telegram is down so I guess his career is over
I'm around yes. I have been very busy working with clients past few months. Since there was a literal flood of requests for my services I couldn't keep up. I chose to pivot and work with the serious prospective clients only that are at certain milestones of their business journeys to be worthwhile my time (this was communicated to all that were talking to me at that time) and since obviously you get a portion of time wasters that had to be filtered out too. Now that majority of that work is passive, I now have more slots for new clients so you can message me on either communication channel.
Reactions: uplana
The entry/exit node thing has been known for 15+ years. Admittedly, I only quickly skimmed the articles but it looks like in one case a bad actor (you get one guess) was injecting nodes into the network and using signals analysis to deanonymize communications, which is probably practical if you have a sufficient number of nodes to develop traffic flows. This seems to be a bit different. Also beyond the scale that even most nation-states can accomplish.
Reactions: uplana
Good to see you're back.
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