This is how Monero transactions are traced

Is there also any additional advantage of using an OS like tails to not leave any traces? I do not know how much fingerprinting can impact the secrecy?

Tails really is amazing, but reading the previous posts here in the thread and that way chain analysis was performed in the link suggests that using tails would have no impact for Monero. Am I wrong?
The advantage of using Tails is that your computer can’t be traced, and if you set up at an internet café or a public library, you’re invisible online as long as you wear a hoodie and maybe even a fake beard. The transactions themselves, of course, can still be tracked and have nothing to do with Tails.

But if you use a VPN or run your own node, the IP cannot be connected to you. Is there still an advantage of using Tails for Monero transactions?
I would recommend you to read this thread - it went totally off from the securing of the lenovo to securing your entire cyber life But it is good reading and can answer some of your questions.
and here is more
Is there also any additional advantage of using an OS like tails to not leave any traces? I do not know how much fingerprinting can impact the secrecy?

Tails might be a good choice if you don't want to run your own node. You could just connect to a remote node and your identity would be concealed by Tor. Double check that though as I have never used XMR on tails.

Yes tails is less susceptible to fingerprinting so would be better for privacy.