This is “democratic” Ukraine

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I've seen this picture of that specific building destroyed by now at least a hundred times. Really aren't there other destroyed buildings to show?
If you dont want to open channel which I've linked here you go.

Just pure statistics.
From 36 schools from town in pictures above, 6 of them are destroyed ot damaged for today.
These russian animals are even can't fight against army and shoot to civil.


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Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on earth. Zelensky is a puppet who is owned and controlled by Igor Kolomoisky. And of course, the USA is involved via various NGOs thanks to the likes of Nuland etc back in 2014 when they created the Maidan Coup after the results of the colour revolution had been reversed.

The only people to feel sorry for are the Ukrainian civilians who have been led down the primrose path continually over the last few years. And are now encouraged to essentially risk their lives for nothing.

The solution is to lay down their arms and go home, declare neutral status.
Reactions: daxbr and EuroKiss
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on earth.
not the truth, New Zealand, Finland,,and 11 out of 100

it is something average in around world and even better than in russia.
So, lets destroy half of countries in the world because of their corruption level?

All the problems was created by russia even in 2014.

there is nothing to lay down to finish it, because there is no arms in hospitals, schools, civils houses. all the UA army is on the fields and russia is clearly know it.
all they want - destroy as much as possible.
even green corridors that russians 'propose' just a fake, because they shoots to civilians there.
pictures below - evacuation from Irpin, after russian shoot civils.

neutral status was agreed on even first meeting between UA and russia after war started, it dont help.

and few videos comparing to how cities looks before war and how they looks now.



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Why don't you mention the fact that Ukrainian troops actually hide in these schools knowing that russian won't bomb peaceful infrsctucture?

They headquarter in schools and then post these photos of destriyed schools.

Open the corridors, so that your own population canleave these cities!!
Why don't you mention the fact that Ukrainian troops actually hide in these schools knowing that russian won't bomb peaceful infrsctucture?

it's a not truth. they don't hides there.
there is no sense is hiding in schools, because it can't help in battle against russian troops/tanks that assault towns.

few of schools uses to collect humanitarian aid, but nothing more.
if you think that troops hide in school - show the picture of it first of all.

They headquarter in schools and then post these photos of destriyed schools.

they don't headquarter there because it's a not a safe place against air strikes.
bombproof shelter only safe from air strikes and they are under the ground.

Open the corridors, so that your own population canleave these cities!!

cities sieged by russian forces.
who should stop the strikes and open corridors?
Unfortunately, you cannot take an objective view here. You are posting footage of damage, but we can't corroborate who or what caused it. The information from both sides is unreliable. Virtually every story I've seen from Ukrained media gets debunked in 24 hours. is probably the most accurate source for operational realities.

It is widely acknowledged that the US employed Ukrainian nationalists and foreign mercenary snipers to escalate the situation in Kiev and achieve a second revolution or regime change back in 2014. We've seen it time and time again in other countries.

Watch the Sniper's Massacre:
Read: The False Flag Kiev Sniper Massacre: The Hidden Origin of the Escalating Ukraine Conflict

Remember the Nuland phone call discussing who they should install as the next president?

Zelensky is a puppet.

For me, it's important Ukrainians realise they are merely pawns in a geopolitical game sandwiched between Russia's national security interests, and the USA's expansionist "CFR" foreign policies.

The sooner more of them realise this, the better the chance they have of rebuilding their country.
You are posting footage of damage, but we can't corroborate who or what caused it
we could ask admin to check and get my location based on IP address, to verify where i am.
don't you think that locating there having relatives, friends, etc it's a not hard to determine who cause this damages?
most damages that towns got - it's a ballistics rockets and bombing from airplanes. Ukraine even don't have such weapon in arming.

Unfortunately, you cannot take an objective view here

as well as you.

Virtually every story I've seen from Ukrained media gets debunked in 24 hours

this only means, you use quite bad sources to get info about the war.
сonsidering the things you post, it's not surprising.
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Here how it's going to end: Russia taking the territories they wanted, and getting ucraine neutral. exactly the way it started.
Like i said many days ago, If i was the comedian i would probably kill myself out of the guilt of having gotten my country into war and my people killed in order to achieve something that was neither achievable nor sensible.

I want to believe he did not have a choice, as he has probably been threatened. This because, at some point, he seemed positive about surrendering and ending the war, but changing his mind soon after.
We have also seen the US pissed of for the ucrainian delegation meeting the russians without consulting them first, and when israeli prime minister met putin without consulting them first. Meaning they want the proxy war to continue and as much damage to russian finance and international relations as possible.

However, i believe his future won't be good either way. Before he might have had ukrainian US funded nationalists and US killers after him if he surrendered. Now he has russian killers after him. Fun!

little gift for you guys
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Reactions: EuroKiss
I'm not doubting your location. It is hard for someone in the area to take an objective view.

I can find several bits of evidence of UAF forces blocking humanitarian corridors, as well as Ukrainian citizens claiming there have been strikes on them from their own forces. The info from both sides is unreliable. However, if the Russians were really destroying the country and going after civilians, I think we would see much more damage.

If you can debunk anything I posted, then feel free to share some evidence of such, I stick with my claims that Zelensky is a puppet and Ukraine is being led down the primrose path that will only lead to the death and suffering of everyday Ukrainian people.

Meanwhile, the rich ones are watching from Dubai.
Reactions: daxbr and Marc Rich
because you look for a movie and then decide if the picture good enough for you or not.
i see the situation - infrastructure of the towns are destroyed every day from weapon that russia have, but not Ukraine.

I have friends who are in occupied areas near russian forces, i have friends who are near UA forces.
I know how the both sides of army belong to civil.
for UA force Ukraine it's a home. For russians it's a only one more place for a war.
Who will in own mind bomb their homes?

and it's a only pro-russian position who are protect shooting/bombing of the schools and hospitals by the myth that UA forces is hiding there.

Friendly fire, miss fire and other things, for sure, present in each war. But number of such thinngs, comparing to the trivial battles are quite small.

To avoid this misinformation.
Attached zipped archive of video when my friends tried to evacuate from the town.
UA forces noted that road where they want to drive are occupied by russians and russians will fire for them.
My friends just ignore this information and thinks that russians will not shoot civil. They got shoot after they come to russian forces.

it's a not a youtube video, not a movie on tv. just real situation.
and if those friends was pro-russians before conflict, after shooting they are for sure not support russian anymore.


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Dear John Spectre,

I am affraid we are just not that motivated to convince you otherwise, but if you look at some threads of this forum you will see that vast majority of users realizes its the war for power between Russia and US, that unfortunately takes place on Ukranian soil.

Most of the users on this forum actually have their own objective view on this, we are not brainwashed by either side of this conflict propaganda, so like Polonieth stated, you should step aside and take a neutral view on this, if you seek the truth.


Well said.

People are falling into a trap of picking sides when in fact the mischief maker here is the US. Ukraine, Russia and EU do not benefit from this war. Only US military companies benefit from this war. It is a very easy cash grab for US arms companies as NATO members will increase their spending on them.

Russia's Ukraine Invasion Lifts Defense Stocks, Upends Years Of Military Austerity In Europe​
Ukrainians already KILLED one of their negotiators, at this point because he was surely talking about some kind of agreement with the Russians.
Ukrainian leaders are directed by USA and in a lot of threads and posts we already discussed what they are looking for.
Reactions: pipona
you need to take note, that non of my messages denied that this war between russia and west on Ukraine's land.
All i wanted to share - that it's a not a fake that russia destroy civil infrastructure, a thousands of civils died and problems continue to grow.

I didn't shared my personal opinion about Zelenskiy, Putin, who will won and who will loose.
I am a civil, who tried to help relativies, friends another civils to move to safe place. Nothing more, nothing less.
and hearing from users that this is a fake war without civil losses is at least unpleasant.
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"Such a low quality argument."

You don't believe that certain governments and, by extention, newspapers can spread misinformation, or omit certain information, in order to serve their own agendas? Even though the war is going on.

You don't know how the word and politics work?

Sure, you as a holder of russian passport know it better than anyone else in this forum.
Go to the same route as russian warship
Reactions: RealDude
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