As many of you have probably followed, I've started several threads about my battle with the Danish tax authorities inside Mentor Group Gold!
The Danish tax system is so fundamentally corrupt that they can get away with absolutely anything they want. Even with undeniable evidence from my accountant, bank, and lawyer, who worked together to produce a thoroughly reviewed report on the case, the tax authorities can simply state that they stand by their claim that I committed tax fraud.
At a meeting with my lawyers yesterday, it became painfully clear that even they have, to some extent, just been lining their own pockets. I have to admit, they understood what happened in my company and got everything documented in writing, but even they say that taking a case to the Danish Tax Appeals Board is pointless. This so called board consists of public officials and private individuals who, within 15 minutes, decide whether the taxpayer is right or if the tax office wins. They don’t even review the case properly, just listen to a four-minute speech from a lawyer, which has already been submitted in writing beforehand!
What kind of justice system is this? It’s neither fair nor right when you can literally prove that the tax authorities are lying, fabricating stories, and, even when confronted with evidence, still stick to their claims just because they are the authority. You can take them to the High Court, or you can go to the media and hope that it makes a difference.
To everyone reading this who still thinks Denmark is a good place to run a business, avoid it at all costs. If the tax office sets its sights on you, they will destroy you completely. They are ruthless and only care about processing as many cases as possible to make their statistics look good.
If someone else had told me this before, I probably would have just scrolled past, thinking, 'Another person who did something stupid and is now playing the victim.' But that’s not the case.
Welcome to a new reality where authorities can ruin your life and confiscate everything you own. Get out of the EUSSR while you still can.
The Danish tax system is so fundamentally corrupt that they can get away with absolutely anything they want. Even with undeniable evidence from my accountant, bank, and lawyer, who worked together to produce a thoroughly reviewed report on the case, the tax authorities can simply state that they stand by their claim that I committed tax fraud.
At a meeting with my lawyers yesterday, it became painfully clear that even they have, to some extent, just been lining their own pockets. I have to admit, they understood what happened in my company and got everything documented in writing, but even they say that taking a case to the Danish Tax Appeals Board is pointless. This so called board consists of public officials and private individuals who, within 15 minutes, decide whether the taxpayer is right or if the tax office wins. They don’t even review the case properly, just listen to a four-minute speech from a lawyer, which has already been submitted in writing beforehand!
What kind of justice system is this? It’s neither fair nor right when you can literally prove that the tax authorities are lying, fabricating stories, and, even when confronted with evidence, still stick to their claims just because they are the authority. You can take them to the High Court, or you can go to the media and hope that it makes a difference.
To everyone reading this who still thinks Denmark is a good place to run a business, avoid it at all costs. If the tax office sets its sights on you, they will destroy you completely. They are ruthless and only care about processing as many cases as possible to make their statistics look good.
If someone else had told me this before, I probably would have just scrolled past, thinking, 'Another person who did something stupid and is now playing the victim.' But that’s not the case.
Welcome to a new reality where authorities can ruin your life and confiscate everything you own. Get out of the EUSSR while you still can.