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Thailand residency with Foreign Income Tax exemption, possible?

Can anyone confirm if this is true?
Thai Visa holders for the below Visas are exempt from income tax when earned foreign income.


Is there any other way to avoid income tax while living in Thailand? (foreign sourced income)
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Can anyone confirm if this is true?
Thai Visa holders for the below Visas are exempt from income tax when earned foreign income.

View attachment 7714

Is there any other way to avoid income tax while living in Thailand? (foreign sourced income)
You have to buy a 500k property or 500k of thailand bonds for wealthy global citizen and have a net worth of over a million. No one sensible is going to risk that in the thia economy. The professionals' category has other strings.

If you don't bring the foreign money into Thailand then they don't care about it at the moment, but they're talking about taxing people globally and taking away these benfitis for LTR visas. They've made a lot of changes this year and the changes could keep carrying on.