It’s a kinda mute point.Well, at least the disbelievers (of Thailand actively working on broadenIng its tax base) will now be able to enjoy "attentive services".
By reading this -> it should be clear in which direction the country is heading. Soon they wil abolish the "one-year remittance rule".
Thai people are not falangsWell, I can't wait to see how they will enforce such strict tax rules.
From what I see, majority of Thai people don't declare/pay income tax or only a tiny % of what they really should.
In any country, as long as corruption and bribes are standard business, beginning from the top elite, any strict law enforcement attempt is irrelevant.
Sure they could but they just won't. As wellington mentioned it is not Thailand benefit to tax its resident foreigners..... until the day Thailand won't need any more foreign money to get by. I can't wait to see that day happening too!Thai people are not falangstherein lies a small but very important difference.
They can just make you pay tax as a condition to your visa (you need to show tax returns etc.) as creatively as they are.