Tesla Becomes World’s Second Most Valuable Automaker

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Hi @John Spectre , there's absolutely no point in doing it ... in my case, apart from the disclosing of positions in a particular stock (of which the thread is about), it's the trolling that seduces me, lol
Honestly, I couldn't care less about the supposedly 'rational explanations' for either bull or bear case, it's only whether I make money or not with my move that I care about...
Are you still bearish ? Or have the stops skipped you?

I buy puts (different kinds, currently OTM are not even available on some of these crazy tech stocks, lol), bought more today and know exactly what my downside is, as I've already paid the premium. I use 6-12 months expiry dates, currently going with the end-of-year ones. It's quite a cheap beat to be honest, and it rewards handsomely and fast in case of a sudden decline, that's the beauty of casino stocks...in my case, it will become really asymmetric if prices get below $1,000 again...and if not, as I said, I know what I stand to lose.
Reactions: Silvio
Tesla is not a car maker, it is much more, Amazon only sold books in the past.
Whatever you guys say...in the Y2K, web browsers at higher-than-solvent-banks market cap was fine because of 'web traffic and ads and such...'...but 99% of them had disappeared come year 2003. In this case, I get it, it's a different game, but not the one you mention, it has absolutely nothing to do with techie stuff and all that. It's some other deep siht that some guys play and that, for the sake of real capitalism, I ope it ends horribly wrong for them...
You got to love Tesla cult members. Hopefully Tesla never makes commercial airplanes .
You got to love Tesla cult members. Hopefully Tesla never makes commercial airplanes .
What I love about them, besides the obvious fact they are high on whatever substance you may think of, is the fact that they believe the rest gamble on its stock the way they do it, ie owning outright shares and bragging about it, or ridiculing those who they think do the counter trade (OP's mocking question above suggests that to me). As I said, I like the reminiscence of Y2K in all this, and for capitalism's sake, it better turn out to be true...
Reactions: Martin Everson
If you think Tesla is a bubble, wait until you see NIKOLA.

A electric truck company .. that hasn't built a single truck - with a $19.47B market cap
Compared to this s**t Tesla is gold ...
True indeed Like any of those web browsers with 0 revenue in Y2K and bigger-than-big-banks market cap, lol............I mean, really...I wonder how long before Softbank buys Nikola at full market cap, lmao.....
My favorite part of the TSLA crash is how it sold (read: PRINTED) 5 billion USD worth of stocks in a single day when it was clear they are not going into the S&P

Amazing how such a rampant scam is allowed to continue. At least it shows us that the S&P is responsible, compared to the German counterpart that allowed WireFraud into the DAX.
Reactions: Martin Everson
Yup Tesla cult members are totally sold on the scam. There is zero chance of them seeing any reality any time soon .
f you think Tesla is a bubble, wait until you see NIKOLA.

A electric truck company .. that hasn't built a single truck - with a $19.47B market cap
Compared to this s**t Tesla is gold ...

When I read the below I burst out laughing . What a fraud. I mean the Hinderburg Research report is saying:

In fact, a video used to demonstrate the truck moving at what looked like highway speeds was reportedly filmed on a downward grade with camera tricks

And GM is still showing support for Nikola . This is worse than when Warren Buffett invested millions in that solar ponzi scam.

It seems due diligence is only for small fish...lol .

I mean the article says:

Anyway Tesla is not far off. They managed to at least produce high performing working vehicles. Just financially its a joke.