Tesla Becomes World’s Second Most Valuable Automaker

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From $960 to $699 in 24h...or -27% ... not getting burned at all from entry price (returning a bit of the patronizing by some cult members in other posts) ...... anyway, my point is that this is the typical price-chart action of a sound, well-regarded and with strong fundamentals company, indeed... (more like pot stocks --pun intended-- or crypto/unicorn scams behaviour, actually)...

PS: to the patronizers around, do you know that stocks can be shorted using derivative instruments, like something very odd and with a fancy name called options, right? And that deep out-of-the-money options (translation: those that represent the least odds of an event happening), carry very small premiums to pay so that when you BUY A PUT (translation: go short), you risk very little and inversely may have a big reward? Didn't you know that? Oh well, glad I could be of some help, then....
Tesla Valuation: Tesla could be worth $1.5 trillion to Google by 2030 if it is valued at 20x earnings <..>

More Tesla stock pumping in that forbes article.....lol
Reactions: Gediminas

Thanks for the info. Learning new stuff every day. I am just a bit unclear about this PUT OPTIONS thing. Put them where?

Yeah, so you could buy out-of-the-money puts. If Tesla collapses, this is surely the best way to make lots of money. Personally I think the way south could take some time, as Elon Musk is very gifted in misleading investors. Tesla Semi might appear this spring, etc. Enough time to burn those option premiums you would be paying, not receiving. I am most probably not going to play TSLA any way. As such - I am thinking about Nassim Taleb's "skin in the game" here - my opinion is not very valuable. Just my 2¢.

(A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a stockbroker in an investment bank. I also had a options broker's licence [different licences, different exams]. I did mainly stocks, but occasionally options, too. Later, when there was much consolidation within European exchanges, I passed Eurex Trader Exam as well - with flying colors as they say. Never did a single trade on Eurex, though.)
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Continuing with the story.

"Shares in Tesla fell sharply after the electric car maker announced plans to raise $2bn by issuing fresh shares, tapping into the recent stock run-up that has seen the company overtake many of the world’s established carmakers in value. Tesla will sell up to $2.3bn in shares, using the money to strengthen its balance sheet and for general spending, the group said on Thursday. "

I think people don't realise the value of the autonomous car tech tesla is working on, they have consumer car on the road gathering data everywhere and this for several years already, data is the new oil they say
Also the direct connection they have with spacex is not to be undermined either.

Look how the youngling faces lights up when they talk about tesla, i wouldn't bet against that personally. Sentiment is everything today. Besides, it's such good publicity for the us economy, there is no way they will let them down.

Like it or not its a millenials world out there now, the next decade is going to be fun
lol...I mean, it doesn't get any better than that I guess (for a sales job interview @ TS(hit)LA). Did you apply recently OP? It looks as though you still have the sales pitch fresh in your head...Seriously, if you don't/can't see the fraud in it, then I can't help you. Sure enough though, if billions keep being wasted there (and I mean Billions for now, TR...is next), then it will artificially be kept high forever, and will put shorts out of business time and again, as the blasted Keynes once noted re: irrationality. However, I still believe some 'real rules' will end up being applied and the fall off a cliff will be heard in Islamabad...And the cocky millenials you mention will, at some point, have their 2000-2001 moment of truth. It all matters until it doesn't matter, and the same applies to bulls*it, people believe in it until they don't (Enron, Worldcomm, Madoff, and so on).
Reactions: Martin Everson
Are you saying the market is wrong ?

You seem very passionate about this, where you on the bandwagon of those funny shortseller that got wrecked perhaps ?

You should relax a bit, nobody has ever made money on the market by being emotional, whichever way.
Anyways I was just point out facts, lets stick to the argument, no need to get personal.
I made my short position public here, thank you very much.

I don't get emotional about trading, I just can't stand cult followers. Whichever way this speculative sh*t goes I just don't care, what I don't/won't tolerate too well is the patronizing that comes with it, yours included. All the Greta Dumber / Metadata BS unicornic visions you can save them for whoever wants to listen to you. Communism takes many forms, this is just one of them (the green sh*t economy, I mean). And there's (((big))) communist money supporting it, as it ever was (way before 1917). And that's one of the things that I try to do in my life, soak myself wet of modern/recent history, to understand what is unfolding before our very own eyes right now. And yes, as you can see I can get passionate about this particular subject (not emotional, don't be confused).

So yeah, please stick to the topic and don't get me started on issues I'm not sure you have the stature to deal with.
Again, the market is never wrong.
It looks like you are missing a few things in this case, not gonna figure it out with that baby boomers reactionary attitude.
OK, I'll say my last piece on this fruitless conversation, you may have your turn after it, I just won't respond, you're pretty flat overall.

First, I will never say the market is wrong, as it never is (been involved in them long enough to have already figured that out), I only take (very small) part whenever the market goes 'tulipmaniac' and offers a return-to-the-mean edge in particular stocks (have never traded much in equities, anyway). In TS*htLA, the edge may or may not be above $900/share, but certainly it has better odds than around $300. Period.

Second, I'm not a baby-boomer per se, but I have a feeling you're the one with a tough lesson <still> to learn. IF you by any chance believe that this world, regardless of the fancy stories you make about the money-losing unicorns (supposedly) driving it, in economic terms, is any different than that of the early-mid XXth century, then as I said, I can't help you. You simply don't understand the world you live in, and pretend to be a smart-a$$ using condescending words and phrases to appeal to your public, while trying to belittle those who disagree with you, not with solid arguments, just with empty-fancy words. Like I said, I talked to people like you in the late 90's (1998-2000) and I had to take some rash of s*it because I failed to play ball and buy some unicorns of that era, ie, the WeWork's and Netflix's of the day, zero-profit, cash-burning machines that only appealed to cult followers, aka downright idiots, who made money for a while, but as the saying goes, they parted soon enough when it all tanked.

The truth of the matter is, if TS*htLA wasn't almost entirely subsidized by (((big))) easy money and the US government, it would've been out of work ages ago. Question is why is it being supported? One digs deep into those reasons and takes a good look at the shareholder structure (the real one) and things become a bit more apparent, if one wishes to learn, of course. That's it, I'm done.
Again, the market is never wrong.
It looks like you are missing a few things in this case, not gonna figure it out with that baby boomers reactionary attitude.

Folks this is what a Tesla cult follower sounds like. Same nonsense OneCoin followers spewed to silence common sense, dissent and reasoned factual thinking. Anyone who witnessed the dotcom boom will understand the language and alien logic being used to try and value Tesla and the demonising of anyone who dares to talk sense about the prospects of Tesla. However with cult members there is no convincing them as they are too far gone. You just have to sit back and let it all play out sadly.
Reactions: Nicholas Van Orton
I am not a cult follower or whatever crap wtf, are you serious ??? my remark about the market is only because someone seems overly zealous and baffled against a very clear direction the market has taken.
"greta bulls**t", "communism" wtf does that have to do with the topic here jesus christ another crazy ...

I am simply observing and noticing things that imho explain the recent tesla craze and sharing my view here, read my first post on the matter and tell me where did I shared any sort of cult follower bulls**t behavior ? really ? how about discussing the argument ?

I am bullish on tesla long term not because I like it but because there is a lot of indicators that point to this and therefor money to be made.
To put some weight on my post above, here is an short interview of a big investment firm mentioning the tech advantage tesla has over others.
Don't own a slice of Tesla, but neither do I hate it.

Good company, a strong brand, priced like a wet dream of Elon, but they got their foot in the key market. Not every runner-up has an insurance policy to sell to China free of tariffs for years to come, unlike Tesla, which launched a local production line recently.

In regards to unreasonableness of Teslas's current PE, I believe ideological reasons are at play too. Personally, I wouldn't mind buying some overvalued stocks that fight communism, privacy intrusion, and nasty things like that. To me, there are things worse than pollution.
Reactions: Gediminas