Tesla Becomes World’s Second Most Valuable Automaker


Elite Member
Oct 12, 2019
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Reactions: troubled soul
without governments stealing money from people and supporting disputable stuff like electro mobility this company and many other poisoned things would never exist
you can sure make money trading Tesla shares... does it count as an "investment"?
let's hope it burst soon
It is easy to guess, I invested in tesla at $115. Electric cars will dominate the automative market in the near future. Their car quality or mechanics not good as competitors but their electric technology much better than all brands.
Stay away from Tesla the company is a joke financially and run by a Pot smoking cult leader. I doubt a single Tesla investor has ever read any of their financial reports . People buying Tesla stock are purely speculating. Tesla's battery technology comes from Panasonic and the value of the company is largely due to the brand and nothing else. They have no technology that is better than the other EV car manufacturers that are coming on line especially the German automakers. Tesla is a cash burning machine that borrowed money up till its eyeballs to develop the cars and the charging network.

Time will expose them but let people ride the stock hype bubble till the wheels come off.
Stay away from Tesla the company is a joke financially and run by a Pot smoking cult leader. People buying Tesla stock are purely speculating. Tesla's battery technology comes from Panasonic
Battery cell parts and battery technology are different things. Apple also buying chips from Foxconn and screens from Samsung and Steve Jobs smoked pot every years

They have no technology that is better than the other EV car manufacturers that are coming on line especially the German automakers.
Completely wrong.

Can you tell me a better carmaker which is have a better electric engine? or better autonomous driving technology? Those are game-changer technologies and tesla is better than all brands.

BMW i3 - Tesla 3
181hp vs 258hp
114 miles vs 310 miles
Let me compare two companies which I put into my screener - Daimler and Tesla.
Daimler is the manufacturer of the Mercedes-Benz (+Maybach) brands. It has several divisions including personal vehicles and trucks. It is investing hugely into electric engines and research, plans to manufacture 50 000 electric EQC models this year.

Market cap is $50.7B, 300 000 employees, 2 350 000 cars produced yearly, listed in 1996, around $184B yearly revenue, P/E ratio 12.3, P/B ratio 0.8, 4 % yearly growth, 6.8 % dividend, sales in EU (40%), USA (25%) and Asia (23%)
Tesla is the manufacturer of models S, 3, X and Y (so that the Elon's insider joke spells "sexy"), it also wants to enter the truck sector with... eh... cybertruck ???

Market cap is $101.8B, 48 000 employees, 360 000 cars produced yearly, listed in 2010, around $21B yearly revenue, P/E ratio not applicable (loss), P/B ratio 16,7, 80 % yearly growth (this is huge I admit), no dividend, sales in USA (50%), China (16%) and Norway (8.2% where it is subsidied and tax-relieved)
Does it make any sense whatsoever that Tesla should be valued at double that of Daimler? What does justify that? Maybe the current growth rate or perhaps Elon's stage dance?
First of all, Daimler founded at 1926, Tesla founded at 2003, of course Daimler has more in "numbers" but the thing is you should compare the technology, the idea, not the numbers. We live in the technology era.

Airbnb vs Hilton
total employees 12k - 169k
total offices/hotels 31 - 586

Reactions: Gediminas
Can you tell me a better carmaker which is have a better electric engine? or better autonomous driving technology?

Firstly whats an "electric engine"? I have never heard of an electric engine but have heard of electric motors. Secondly if you follow consumer reports Cadillac CT6 has best autonomous driving system topping Tesla's so your talking absolute nonsense......

Cadillac Tops Tesla in Consumer Reports' First Ranking of Automated Driving Systems

Those are game-changer technologies and tesla is better than all brands.

No they are not....stick to facts. Tesla was first past the post with autonomous driving but have lost that crown now. Plus watch over the next few years it will fall further behind real car manufacturers .

Tesla is a complete joke of a company and anyone investing needs their head examined as cultism is a real problem sadly when it comes to anything Tesla .
Maybe the current growth rate or perhaps Elon's stage dance?

Comes a close second after Theresa May's dancing in Kenya. They should both have a dance off contest .
Reactions: Gediminas
Sorry for my English mistake about "electric engine".

Secondly if you follow consumer reports Cadillac CT6 has best autonomous driving system topping Tesla's so your talking absolute nonsense......

Cadillac Tops Tesla in Consumer Reports' First Ranking of Automated Driving Systems
Cadillac has the best autonomous driving system ?

They can compare today but Cadillac's system does not have a future like Tesla's. Cadillac system only operates where it has high-definition maps of controlled-access highways. Tesla autopilot can operate on any road with lines because Tesla's system analyzing the road(not the man-made navigation maps) and this the difference, a huge one. Tesla can sell autonomous cars to almost any country with some changes, Cadillac can't(without creating millions of highroad data and keeping them updated with thousands of extra employee).

Right now, Super Cruise is only operational on 130,000 miles of limited-access, divided highways in the US that GM has mapped using a fleet of LIDAR-equipped vehicles.
What an autonomous driving technology
Tesla can sell autonomous cars to almost any country with some changes,

You mean like stopping them catching fire and the auto pilot crashing the car .

Fan boys never cease to amaze me . Anyway the cult like hold Elon Musk has on his fans is worrying when they eventually work out he is not a genius. Just like Euro Pacific Bank customers will work out the bank is a joke and will vanish so will Tesla eventually when common sense kicks in or credit market dries up
I'm not fan of Tesla but I know what is really behind the car and that's why I invested 5 years ago.

Yes, there will a lot of problems and deaths at the start, it is inevitable. It is a new technology, not something reading like man-made navigation maps. Taking decisions by reading the road itself, any road is something huge.
Yes, there will a lot of problems and deaths at the start, it is inevitable.

I agree with that. Every innovation which revolutionized the world has had some negative impact as well. Before we started driving cars, flying on planes or sail the boats - there were no deaths related to this.

Anyway the cult like hold Elon Musk has on his fans is worrying when they eventually work out he is not a genius

Everybody will have their own views on Musk. You either love him or hate him. Just like with skiing. I have fallen in love with him once I read a really good article about Neuralink.

I very recommend to read it. It's a long, but very very good eye-opener about us - humans, the world and the future.

This could be a good opportunity for a low-risk pairs trade: Long a basket of traditional car manufacturers, shot an equivalent amount of TSLA. (The traditionals should be the ones that are already building electric vehicles; Daimler, BMW, Nissan...).

Shorting Tesla has really been a "widowmaker trade". Lots of otherwise smart investors have been shorting & hating Tesla a long time now. They must have burnt their fingers, badly. But Tesla market cap is just effin' ridiculous.
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Reactions: Martin Everson
It is easy to guess, I invested in tesla at $115. Electric cars will dominate the automative market in the near future. Their car quality or mechanics not good as competitors but their electric technology much better than all brands.
Typical 'cult-follower' comment, nothing to see here, move along. FYI, elec-s**t cars pollute the environment 10x the current ones do (all the while depleting the Earth from its rare minerals at a super-fast pace), yet they are subsidized to the hilt and their manufacturers treated like pot-gods. Talk about moral hazard... Communism has different forms, all currently active unfortunately for Western people (femi-marxism, eco-marxism, lgtbqi&zyxsd-marxism, greta dumber-marxism, etc. you name it), and whoever doesn't play ball gets the stick. So imho this is not the time to argue with cult-followers, but plan accordingly (and being in this forum is one of those planning steps to take/make, because all those -isms end up one way: pick-pocketing the common man, so get ready for it).
re: TSLA (aka This s**t Likes (my) a*s), it just follows the current stock/asset bubble inflated by TPTB. We may know how this all ends, but we don't know 'when', so these monkeys may remain irrational longer than short-sellers can stay solvent, you know how the quote goes.
I have fallen in love with him once I read a really good article about Neuralink.

So you have fallen in love in with Elon Musk?...thx for sharing that.

I very recommend to read it. It's a long, but very very good eye-opener about us - humans, the world and the future.

Tha'ts old news I was aware of ages ago but thanks anyway.