Switzerland has no extradition agreement with some of the EU / European countries!

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are you under the lump sum taxation scheme?
Otherwise you are required to report whatever you own, even stuff like your 9k sub in your yearly tax declaration due to the wealth tax.
Id call that a massive privacy invasion (which is beyond Germany for example which dont have a wealth tax).
They are also part of the lugano convention, so any legal claim from eu is gonna be auto-executed in Switzerland.
Other than that and the very high cost of living, its not too bad indeed.
There is another way to not report what you own, and actually legally not pay Swiss tax at all, while still living in Switzerland. It is if you do a temporary consulting assignment for a Swiss client, then you get a permit "Bewilligung" to stay for up to 6 months I think. But you are still considered to have your main residence abroad, "Haubtwohngesitz im Ausland", so you dont pay any tax in Switzerland. It's as if you are on a business trip to Switzerland.

I even went to the Swiss tax office to register while under such Bewilligung, and they told me, no sorry, you cant pay tax to us.
I stayed for 3 years in Switzerland with these 6 months consulting assignments keeping renewing. Paid into Swiss health insurance every month for these 3 years, and when I was about to leave Switzerland, I got a letter from the health insurer saying they made a mistake, that I wasnt supposed to pay, and so they paid back everything I had paid in during the three years.
Reactions: jafo and EliasIT
It all depends on how long you plan to stay in Switzerland, what you want to hide from, and how much you're willing to report of your physical assets, which can be anything of high value per unit.

If you're a terrorist or have committed serious crimes, then go to Somalia and hide in a cave – that's probably the safest option. But if you have "ordinary" problems that I won't elaborate on here, Switzerland is a fantastic place until things settle down and you can quietly sneak back as a wealthy man.
Reactions: jafo
well that looks not really kosher but one can def play the game .
I doubt that can be scaled or repeated at will.
Reactions: jafo
Based on a few people I know, I thought it was only when you meet a certain threshold. Have I misunderstood, or have I been misled?
The rule is that all bank accounts and other accounts have to be reported.

But, there are some point to note:
  • Only Swiss accounts above a certain interest threshold are subject to withholding tax, hence many times, pleople do not report those.
  • If you fail to report a bank account or other wealth, and in a subsequent year, the tax guys find it out, they won't reopen the previous year and charge you unless you would owe them more than 1000 CHF in taxes. (They normally check wealth end-beginning-income to get an understanding if there is anything wrong.)
  • Non-Swiss without C permit are taxed at source (PAYG etc. as in UK, US and most other countries), they normally do not file tax returns, hence, they are most likely to just pay with withholding tax of 35% on interests.
Reactions: jafo
yes thats correct what you say. Lets say you make 6k a month (72k a year) as salaried employee and have 50k saved, no need extra filing.

but in case you have wealth you still must file. Over 100k or smth according to the law of the canton. So the same employee as before (72k income in a year) but has 1M in accounts or crypto must file.

good points, i did not know the first 2 of them.

Id say Switzerland is a great option if you can have the lump sum tax deal (as Id say is Italy). Or fall under the low threshold, which I assume many of this forum do not.

A problem is for example you have private investments without a price being derived from a public stockmarket, you can happily deal with the bureaucrats wanting to establish a "fair" price for your iliquid shares.
Another problem is if youre deemed a pro trader then they also pull out their claws and you have a lot of admin work or just accept very high tax (Germany style level).

Generally those public servants behave relatively nicely tho, while still being adamant and relentless in the underlying cause.

Without having the lump sum tax deal, Id still maintain my view of Switzerland being a highly privacy invading affair where I can have 100x more privacy at 1/10 the price in my mismanaged banana republics I hang around often.

On a further note, totalitarianism is just hidden thru a thin veiled veil there as well.
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beside we are getting off topic and you discuss taxes here I would say wealth tax in Switzerland is nothing, you pay 1% depending on which Cantone you live in! and if you only have to pay 8% tax from your income it rounds it up to paying 9% in total, compared to the country where I live for not long any more it is 56% that I pay

The OP is asking for extradition not for tax rules & rates or how Switzerland is.
The OP is asking for extradition not for tax rules & rates or how Switzerland is.
Yes, but the problem is EXACTLY that: Considering ALL the options! It comes with pros & cons.
I'm not going to go off-topic by giving legal examples, but fleeing to Country B because the OP owes $100K to Country A only to be snagged for $500K in taxes in Country B would NOT be considered off-topic. IMHO
Maybe OP can chime in and tell us if he wants us to focus on only escaping country A and he doesn't care about the taxes in other countries. Op has NOT even mentioned the felony! If it is a mala in se crime, then I would withdraw any and all efforts to assist OP.
It's difficult to discuss a third person's situation without knowing anything about it. So, this discussion is valuable as it touches on tax issues, regulations, and some personal opinions specifically about Switzerland. It's a very good read.
Reactions: jafo
I’m really glad to see this thread being revived after 2 years and that there’s interest in the details. However, I'm not keen on sharing those details.

What I can say is that some of you are on the right track, but your points are very textbook-based. It’s clear you’ve read up on this, but reality is quite different.

It's so important not to think you can learn everything just by reading, even though that’s what we were taught in school (at least some of us). Universities do the same, and it’s common in our screen-focused world. If you really want to find out how things work, there's only one way: put on your shoes, buy a plane ticket to your destination, set up personal meetings with professionals, and see how things are for yourself.

I can guarantee 100% that my plan worked out, and Switzerland has been a paradise for me
Reactions: jafo
your points are very textbook-based. It’s clear you’ve read up on this, but reality is quite different.
100% this! I have been saying this for decades. More than a year ago, I wrote this here:

Source: POLL - Would you rather be a client of Tether International Limited (non-US. Person) *xor* Tether Limited (US. person)?

put on your shoes, buy a plane ticket to your destination, set up personal meetings with professionals, and see how things are for yourself.
Reactions: ImKing
Give you a call if it comes that far
Don't worry. You are in Switzerland. They normally just put you in jail (Untersuchungshaft). If you are lucky you get food. If you are not so lucky, you won't and will be brought to the prosecutor instead. But don't worry, you won't be able to call anybody. You better remember @JohnnyDoe 's phone number now, at least you can ask a defence lawyer to call him and wish him all the best.

Enjoy your time in Switzerland and always remember, just don't do s*** here. It is better for you as the penal system is "nice" but not that nice either.
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
I find it amusing that you don't even know what I'm hiding from and think I could go to jail for it. That's not the case at all. Switzerland has incredible advantages compared to some other countries if you want to hide here for "non-criminal" reasons, like waiting for some debt to expire or trying another solution that's easy to implement while living here.

So, don't worry, it's not that bad. If it were, I would have chosen Dubai.
@JohnnyDoe was speculating that you will end uf in a prosecutor's room. Most of the time this happens in Switzerland is when some stuff went south:
https://www.nzz.ch/zuerich/australi...kantonspolizisten-den-mittelfinger-ld.1841304https://www.nzz.ch/zuerich/er-raste...iz-freispruch-fuer-ambulanz-fahrer-ld.1841718I was not referring to your past stuff.
And now you're referring to people who are either out of their minds, mentally disturbed, or simply never received any upbringing during their childhood.

I've lived here for 2 years now, and I know how to behave, just like I did back home. So far, I've only encountered kindness because I myself am a kind person.
Reactions: daniels27
And now you're referring to people who are either out of their minds, mentally disturbed, or simply never received any upbringing during their childhood.
They come here too, you know. As tourists, as refugees, as beggars, ... and some stay a bit longer than expected... in jail.
Reactions: ImKing
Prosecutors like the most two things: fame and money. You don’t need to have committed something “wrong” or “bad” to end up trapped in their net. Govern yourself accordingly.
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