Premium Advertising Partner swissmoney

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You have no right to demand a full explanation, you don't have that with any bank, and to be honest, you won't get it with your local bank either! So stop whining, if they can't onboard you as a customer, it's probably because you are considered high risk.
Reactions: Marie Manila
GDPR does not supersede AML regulations. Courts and regulators have been clear about this. If you were rejected for reasons related to AML and customer screening, you have no legal right to know why.

The rationale for that is that if banks have to start telling people why they were declined, they can use that information to reverse engineer how banks' compliance frameworks function, and use that to their advantage to get around the checks.
no one stlll answer my question can some one fiend their license , because i cannot, may be i am retarded
They don't technically have a license.

Swiss Money is a member of SO-FIT which is a private sector self-regulatory organization (SRO). SO-FIT is supervised by FINMA, but its members are not. So Swiss Money does not hold a license.

However, Swiss Money provides IBANs to its customer through a partnership with an EMI licensed in Lithuania.
Reactions: kkein
However, how can one tell if the bank isnt simply charging to reject? after all, lets say they charge 100 bucks to open the account only to reject 95-100% of the applicants, and maybe pay someone to post around that they succeeded and are super happy. After all, these EMI would probably take a long time to earn 100 bucks, and this would seem a pretty easy way to just get some money in with no actual work required..
I still remember a time when everyone in here who tried to open an account with a specific EMI from LT got rejected after paying something like 500bucks or so
However, how can one tell if the bank isnt simply charging to reject?
You can't.

The risk is there. Although the regulator will find is strange that they have such a low approval rate. Financial institutions with unusually high or unusually low approval rates will be questioned about the customer acquisition and customer onboarding/screening methods.
Reactions: kkein and Gediminas
no one stlll answer my question can some one fiend their license , because i cannot, may be i am retarded
You can find mostly accurate data on whether the particular entity is a member of one of Swiss SRO's here SRO member search and further verify information by searching/enquiring directly with SRO (SO-FIT, VQF, Polyreg)

Switzerland has a very interesting regulatory system, which is totally different from what we see in the EU and elsewhere. Actual level of regulatory scrutiny on financial intermediary/SRO member is somewhere in between VASP and small payment/e-money institution registration.

I can't say, based on first hand experience, that FINMA doesn't monitor and/or indirectly influence supervisory control over activities of SRO members. Under Article 16 of AMLA Act, "FINMA shall have the following duties in terms of its supervision of the financial intermediaries under Article 2 paragraph 3

a) it recognises the self-regulatory organisations or withdraws such recognition;
b) supervises the self-regulatory organisations;

c) it approves the regulations issued by the self-regulatory organisations in accordance with Article 25 and any amendments thereto;
d) it ensures that the self-regulatory organisations enforce their regulations"

However, most powers are still vested with SRO itself. There are SROs with different quality of monitoring standards and there are different AML auditors who do most of actual risk assessment works for the SRO.

SO-FIT is "mid-quality" SRO compared to VQF and Polyreg.
Reactions: ilke
I have applied for an account today to get a personal impression of this service. They have been around for a year on OCT! I can't find any really negative reviews of them, they would properly have shown by now.
Reactions: Lamb75
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