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Sweden has announced plans to repatriate immigrants with Swedish citizenship who have not integrated into Western society.


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Jan 2, 2009
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Like most people who have followed Sweden's massive problem with immigrant gangs taking over large parts of the cities with violence, drug dealing, kidnappings, and worse, I'm not surprised by this announcement.

The question is whether Sweden can actually do it and whether the EU will allow it? I think it's a fantastic idea, but is it really possible?

Yes, they are starting to spread quickly across Europe. This is the danger of allowing such foreign cultures into Western Europe; many of them struggle to integrate. Unfortunately, the bad ones ruin it for those who actually want to adapt and fit in.
I'm not sure why so many has to nit-pick on Sweden when France, England and the US are worse when it comes to mass migration and mass failure to integrate "refugees" who have no will to integrate at all or simply isn't capable to do so. Not that Sweden is in a good place for that matter.

Also, their plan is to pay these migrants 35k USD each. The problem here is that it's almost what they get in welfare alone for two years, so none will leave(not counting medical cost, school and everything else that's "free").
Secondly, why even pay them to begin with? Just throw them out. Iran had no problem getting rid of 2 million Afghans.
Also, it's a bit too late. There isn't much future in any country that penalize productive, loyal citizen and wants to replace them with non-productive migrants.

And by the way, there's absolutely zero problem to close any border. The entire world proved that the year 2020.
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Yes, it's unbelievable. It's as if somehow Sweden is benefiting from having these problems. Could it be because they can then allocate more resources to the police or even the military, or raise taxes because they need to cover the costs of immigrants and the crime they bring?

The whole situation just seems very strange.
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