Straw man secret bank account?

Stop hyjacking my thread with crap.
I only asked a simple question out of curiosity!
you must be retards if you cannot even look up any iban verification website and fill in your id number to see what comes up for you.
If it doesn't stirr your curiosity or you don't care then move along to another post.
Yall want to act all wise here but once someone comes with an open/ weird question you feel the need to act superior and smash their opinion.
Look in the mirror, you are not better then what the rest of the world is doing with information and truth
Peace out!
Thank you for sharing. I have seen a few of such videos but usually it doesn't end that well. You need to know the law really well! And keep your composure.
Anyhow such people are oftern ridiculed for standing up as people think they want to get out of paying for things like public roads, electricity etc.
You must be living under a rock if you think at 50% taxes your whole life, goverments only use your money for this lol
Thats why most of you are also here, to pay no or as little taxes so not much difference....
Yall want to act all wise here but once someone comes with an open/ weird question you feel the need to act superior and smash their opinion.

Don't get upset that people don't go along with this delusion. We are just trying to humor you.
You are one of the lucky ones then.
Mine doesn't work with that number, that's only the account ID for me, I need some missing codes. But it only works in some countries.

A man I knew used this procedure a few times, and he took the money for other friends too.
if you haven't redeemed it yet, you better call the bank before they get their hands over it!
If I were you I'd tell them I'd want to withdraw it all as cash.
Call them before, tell them you're coming and that should be ~600k usd, so they should prepare it. Do not give them any detail by phone.
If they don't want to tell you anything by phone, just tell them you're coming to withdraw them.
Then go straight there. They fit easily in a gym bag.
Go there with a gym bag, cover yourself they're going to ID scan your face through cameras.
Wear dark tracksuit (e.g. adidas), sun glasses, hat, gym bag, covid mask.
Gym bag on left hand. Right hand always inside the right tracksuit pocket. Not pants pocket, tracksuit's pocket.
It's a secret masonic gesture.
Maybe the young clerk will not understand, but the manager will as soon as he sees you.
If you have to indicate something, indicate with the right finger inside your pocket.
Do not let them see/photo/scan your right index finger. Do not touch buttons with your right finger index. Right hand always inside your tracksuit's pocket.
Be very suspicious of anyone when you enter the bank. i.e. continuously look around yourself, be aware of your surroundings.
Ask them how to do it and tell that you want it now and they must give it to you.
If they complain, tell them that you know the whole iban story, the commercial code, nwo, tell them that you know the manager is a brother freemason, their bank logo symbology and everything up to the templars and that they worship god Ra.
Don't be ashamed if there are other people around. That's your money now.
Throw the gym bag over the counter and tell them to fill it with the money right now, or your not going to leave the place until they fill the bag.
If they don't fill, then come back another day, maybe they don't really have cash and will refill the next day.
If they fill it, go home. But you better run. Many saw you with the money.
then report us how much exactly it is.
good luck.
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Reactions: diro
I did the same, it's true
Most countries give their citizens a ID at birth these days which is basically a bar code - you are already a product therefore
Most countries give their citizens a ID at birth these days which is basically a bar code - you are already a product therefore
A birth certificate is a security which is being traded at a special exchange.
It adds to human a legal mask that he is representing a cooperate structur thats why we have titles like Mr or Mrs which have been given only to dead people.
In the late 19 century Kaiser Wilhelm added in the constitution that all humans are born free and that the civil death is prohebited.With civil death it was meant to put a human a cooperate mask on and turn them into persons.
That is the real reason why we had WWI as it was an attack to the global elite.
Under commercial law you are allowed to tax a person where there is no law to tax a human.
Like 15 years ago you could check your birth certificate being traded on an exchange till they closed it for the public as more and more people were getting aware of it thanks to the freeman movement.
In europe there are some people who played with it with the BIZ bank and received a nice visit from people with black suits telling them to not wire money to "their" account in the BIZ bank

person (english) = persona (latin) = mask

here a nice example of reality

Here an example from the USA where there is the person present via the birth certificate and the human who is representing the person

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