Straw man secret bank account?


Active Member
Mar 2, 2020
Perhaps some of you might have heard of the straw man sovereign theory, stating that their is a secret trust linked to your birth certificate....
I keep dabbling into this kind of information because to me this whole system is build on dark schemes a long time ago.
anyway I filled in my id card number into the search iban and behold there is a bank acoount with my name on it listed at an international bank!
who else wants to try it out?
Reactions: Sir Gelato
Old system which is being replaced.
The bank is BIS bank in Switzerland which you are talking about.

After the transition there will be no more governments which could force people to do bith certificates.
New solution ?
Let's assume UN will be the new "world" government which laws would apply everywhere.
There human is not defenied as human anymore but as organism.
Let's assume some vaccines changes humans DNA.
And let's assume in the end that DNA code is a patent from a cooperate.
Under commercial law what would that mean ?
Reactions: pipona
Your irony because of lack of knowledge doesn't bother me.I lost already faith in humanity 20 years ago.Majority of people are just not able or to ignorant to understand how the system works.
Cestui que vie act doesn't mean anything to them.Even when providing all laws they keep denying reality as their conditioning is way to strong.

Nice old movie "They live" is showing nicely what conditioning means and how people react to reality

I bet you don't even know the diffrence under law between a "human" and a "person"
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lookup iban (calculator) for your id country
fill in the id card number (not your id number!) and I receive a bank account with a global spanish bank (
Just check it out, not making this s**t up
explain me why it gives a bank account then? if it was nothing it would say number does not exist or faulty....
I am not the only one who found this.
Hence why I am asking here, no need to react so sarcastic

You have been asked to provide a link to support your claim but have not done so. As it stands what you posted is likely....sorry almost certainly a fantasy and as such will be met by fantasy responses.

I have not seen this level of fantasy since the email from the Nigerian astronaut stuck in space needing financial help to return to earth.
This sounds like someone is just realizing that IBANs follow a publicly available standard (read more here: International Bank Account Number (IBAN) | SWIFT - The global provider of secure financial messaging services) and can be generated by following that format. If your bank issues you a bank account where the account number is your ID number (I've seen older examples of that), inputting your ID number on any IBAN generation website would in fact spit out an IBAN that corresponds to your ID number.

But yeah...

Stop licking toads.
explain me why it gives a bank account then? if it was nothing it would say number does not exist or faulty....
I am not the only one who found this.
Hence why I am asking here, no need to react so sarcastic
Each person on the world has an account run on bis bank in switzerland.
15 years ago when that topic was basicly hidden to public you could have checked your birth certificate which is a security and what value your account has.
It has been quickly closed for public once more and more people looked for it.
Martin doesn't know history or the diffrence between natural law and civil law.
He has been teached that the worlds biggest recession was just a simple recession.He has not been teached that after that recession bankers and broke states made a deal to implement birth certificates whiuch by law are securities.He also doesn't understand the diffrence by law between the word "human" and "person".
He is unable to understand that with signing the birth certificate he creates a legal commercial entity which is run under civil law and which can be taxed.
Of course the history goes way beyond that and started with the catholic church in the 1500's .
World War I was a war to uphold status quo of bankers.
King Wilhelm put into his constitution that 'EVERYONE IS BEING BORN AS FREE HUMAN AND THAT CIVIL DEATH (Changing a Human into a Person) is forbidden and ilegal.
Bankers didn't liked it since it would mean they could not tax the people like they wish.

Of course to understand it fully it needs a lot of education of real history , law , agendas etc .

Asking for a link actually shows he won't be capable of understanding it anyways since he already had so many points what to look for but he thinks somebody owns him some kind of explanation.
If he belives it or not is nothing i care.People with logical self thinking and ability to do a research themself will surely find this information usefull to what exectly look for.

Person = latin Persona = Mask

here a nice vid from freeman in uk how court can't get jurisdiction over them because they deny being a person

I DO NOT RECOMMEND FOLLOWING IT ,if you have no clue what you are doing since one mistake and by giving them jurisdiction over you ,you can land quickly in jail as person.
Reactions: Jade33 and kkein
I think that the idea of lizard men is very intriguing to certain men in this forum.

This is their thinking: "I wish there were lizard men. You get a bunch of these lizard men walking around and I'm suddenly looking much more attractive to women. Then if somebody wants to fix me up with their female friend, at least they can say, "Hey, he may not be that attractive, but at least he's no lizard man."
Reactions: Cetme308win
Here is that email of Nigerian Astronaut stuck in space
P.S It's more believable than straw man sovereign theory
I used to work on a big major bank in WM services, one day, a man called asking for advice because he was about to recieve 10 MM, We asked where they coming from and he told us, from many letters of credit of oil & gas companies in africa. I started laughing, and told the poor guy to be careful, but it was hilarius. Great day.
because there is not just one website too look up an iban. It only takes google search "iban look up/verification country X", that's it and fill in the id number
I am not going to take screenshots of my personal info
It's not a bank account from my bank, I am not even a customer with the bank in question.