SEC investigating since switch to PoS which is arguably similar to PoW if you want to get technical.
Started in 2022.
My partners invest into staking from their profits selling gas to East Africa from Dubai - set up the Centre myself.
Personally can’t see how it’s not more decentralized than
Bitcoin IMO from a purely technical vantage point.
Ref Foundation etc and upgrades - Bitcoin has similar or at least mechanisms that could be argued similar in function.
Personally see it as a opportunity.
Impact would be vast initially but tech under pins a lot of state
blockchain adoption (can’t openly refer) but will say from West to East to south to North many of the states are incorporating EVM clones and redeployments into their existing processes.
Then there’s all the adoption directly on EVM and on-chain or connected to chain.
IMO ETH is stronger (through adoption) than what ever the SEC can throw at it - I.e may take a hit but the tech wins out so the price follows.
Also one other thing case law is clear - the asset itself isn’t inherently a security - ergo actions by say foundation may have securities impacts - but ETH itself isn’t in itself a security.
Then factor in the decentralized validation of the chain - it’s hard to argue it’s a security from that point - even with liquid staking - as that’s decentralized over copious machines around the world managed by copious individuals or entities known or unknown.
So basically the lower they push it the harder our firm will push in and I am sure many others will.